Chapter 3

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"What do you mean you won't allow Thanos in your hotel?" Shrek shouted, pounding his fist onto the reception desk.

"I'm very sorry, Sir. But, this man, he is very dangerous..."

"Dangerous!? Whatever do you mean? This man is so sweet and kind."

Thanos blushed at Shrek's compliment, but he could no longer hide his dreadful secret, he had to tell Shrek who he really was if something was ever going to happen between them.

"Shrek," Thanos's voice broke, "I'm so sorry, but I've been keeping something from you. Now, I know we've just met, but I feel a real connection between us, and... well, you should know..."

"What? Know what, Thanos?" Shrek was growing impatient, what did Thanos need to tell him so desperately?

"Before I met you, I was-was lonely. I know how pathetic that sounds, but the loneliness made me do terrible things. Awful things. So once I tell you, you probably won't want anything to do with me. But I have to if this is going to work."

If this is going to work? Thanos wants me?

"You won't believe this, but when I was by myself I thought it would be a good idea to... get rid of half the world." Thanos's voice was barely even a whisper, and Shrek could see he was ashamed of himself.

Wow, he looks really hot when he's depressed. I wonder if- wait. What did he just say?

"Hang on, you got rid of half the world? How is that even possible?!"

"You see this?" Thanos pulled a gauntlet from his extra large pocket and handed it to Shrek in dismay.

"What is it?" The gauntlet was a huge metal glove with five glistening gemstones attached to it, all different colours.

"I don't want to get into the technicalities, but they're called soul stones. They give the person who bears them endless power, and I misused the power. To disintegrate half the world... and-and," Thanos bursts into tears. It was strange for Shrek to see such a manly man cry like a small child.

"Thanos," Shrek murmured, but Thanos ignored him. "Thanos!" Shrek screamed this time, shaking Thanos by the shoulders. "I don't care what happened in your past life. I don't damn care! You didn't get rid of me, and fate pulled us together. Yes, we just met, but there is a connection between us! So pull yourself together, and let's get a room." Thanos stayed quiet, and Shrek was afraid he would leave. But after a few more seconds of a painful silence, one that felt like years, Thanos smiled.

"You're right, Shrek. You are so right," Thanos turns to the receptionist, "give us a room, or I will obliterate you."

Wow, when Thanos is angry it really turns me on.

Soon, after threatening the receptionist, Shrek and Thanos had landed a room.

"Yo, Shrek? Why couldn't we have just gone to your house?"

Oh, no. Shrek thought he could've gotten away with it.

"You ever hear about the guy, Lord Farquaad, who got eaten by a dragon?" Shrek didn't know where he was going with this.

"Yeah, saw it on the Faraway News, kinda sad. What about him?"

Shit, where do I go from here?

"He, uh... his grandma needed a place to stay." Shrek was going to stab himself, this was such a transparent lie. But to Shrek's surprise, Thanos just laughed.

"Why would his grandma stay at your place?"

"Because we dated, a while back," Shrek blurted out. For a moment Thanos looked hurt, maybe even jealous. But he regained his dignity and coughed for clearance.

"Cool, cool, cool, cool. Yep. Really cool."

Shrek smirked, "are you jealous?" He teased in a sing-song voice. Thanos stared at Shrek. Of course he was jealous! He had never felt this way about anyone before, and they had only known each other for four hours.

"Shrek," he sighed, "I want you to be in my life. I am really gay for you."

Shrek was taken aback by the forwardness of Thanos, but he sort of liked it.

"I'm kinda gay for you, too."

"Well alright then." Shrek and Thanos smiled at each other, and Thanos discreetly nodded his head towards the bed.

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