Chapter 8

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It was a week after Shrek was hospitalized, and it was scheduled for him to be released the next day. Thanos had been alone for most of the week, reflecting on his situation and how to handle it. Today was the day he had to meet up with Matt and do it with him, Thanos assumed. Over the course of the week, Matt had been constantly calling Thanos, asking questions and planning the date. Thanos had still yet to tell Shrek, but whenever he thought about doing so he felt all sweaty and sick on the inside. He didn't know what he and Shrek were. He didn't know whether they were a couple, a one-night stand, friends with benefits. But he knew what they were going to become if he didn't have to do this damn thing with Matt! Pondering his position, Thanos considered... not telling Shrek. What harm could it do? It was only a little white lie to his future love, and surely Shrek had secrets too. But if worse came to worse Shrek would always forgive Thanos. Right? His mind had driven him over the edge while his legs had steered him towards Matt's house. Thanos stepped up to Matt's front door. He had been in this very position so many times before, but always willingly, never reluctantly. Memories started to flood into his spinning head, and he squinted as if trying to push them away. Nonchalantly, Thanos thumped his huge fist against Matt's door.

"Who is it?" Matt called in a fake innocent voice, trying to irritate Thanos.

"I'm not playing, Matt. Open the damn door or I'll-"

"You'll what? Leave? I wonder how I would kill Shrek if you did..."

Thanos whacked his head with his gauntlet.

"I could protect Shrek."

"But could you protect yourself? After all, Thanos, I know all your weaknesses. Need I go on?"

Scowling, Thanos spoke airily, "just let me in."

Begrudgingly Matt sighed and moonwalked to the door, swinging it open wide.

"Hello, hello!" Matt sang in a sing-songy voice. Thanos pushed past him, aggravating Matt so much that he aggressively slammed the door shut. Matt was unsure what he had expected from Thanos, but so far he was not meeting his expectations.

"Ok, Matt. What do you need me to do? What form of torture are you going to thrust upon me?"

Unwittingly Matt smiled at the word thrust, which made Thanos appear disgusted. Matt, noticing this discreet gesture, grew increasingly impatient and was on the verge of snapping. In his twisted mind, Matt was thinking up ways to make Thanos squirm. There were many, many options he could choose from, so many wicked plans. But soon he found the right idea, as he envisioned Thanos uncomfortably squirming in his seat.

"Alright, Thanos. Since your so eager and impatient, I propose we do roleplay."

Behind Matt's eyes Thanos could see the dark and the demons that lurked inside, and it made Thanos wonder... why would he risk it all for just one ogre?

Shrek x ThanosWhere stories live. Discover now