Chapter 13

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Thanos hauled Shrek's limp carcass through the halls of the hotel; gripping firmly on his pointed tube ears. Murder wasn't new to Thanos, nor was the murder of a loved one, which was quite sad. But an unpremeditated attack on anyone, that was new to him. They arrived at Shrek's old room and Thanos lugged Shrek onto the bed. His crimson blood stained the white sheets, making a pattern like those of ink splots.

"1, 2, 3!" Thanos yanked the stake out of Shrek's back, resulting in a flood of blood spewing from Shrek's spine. "Well, fuck was that a bad idea."

Thanos scouted the room, looking for a solution to heal Shrek. An onion could work, but he didn't have an onion, and it would take too long to get a new one. Shrek was losing blood fast.

As Thanos searched the room, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, and what he saw horrified him. In place of his loving self stood a stranger, a heartless stranger who seemed to have no regard for ogre life. A remorseless, obsessive sociopath. When had he become this monster? The aim of arriving in a new town was to have a clean slate; turn over a new leaf; become someone better. Then he met Shrek, and his whole life was turned upside down. So why did he feel no regret towards hurting Shrek?

Because of Thanos's momentary lapse in concentration, he hadn't noticed the hardened black blood that had solidified on Shrek's back. Like magma rock. His epiphany had distracted him from the problem at hand, and when he finally caught sight of Shrek he worried it was too late. Thanos had to take action. Now. Before he loses Shrek forever. Eyebrows furrowed in determination, Thanos stormed over to a flattened duffel bag and scrambled around furiously in search for something he knew was in there. Something that could help. After a short time, Thanos felt a cold shock against his hand that sent goosebumps rocketing down his arm. He grinned with glee and produced a glove from the bag. His gauntlet. Unused and slightly rusty, Thanos slipped it onto his palm so it felt snug. He stretched his fingers systematically to increase the flexibility of the gauntlet. Flashbacks threatened to envelop his mind but he pushed them away. No shenanigans; no distractions. Thanos shut his eyes, eyelids heavy with sleep deprivation, and muttered under his breath the desired spell. All this effort because he stabbed Shrek. The reality was harsh.

He clicked his fingers.


Shrek coughed.

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