Chapter 2

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An hour passed and my vision was blurry as hell. Time to leave...

I stumbled around the room, bottle in my hand. "Wheres the damn door?" I slurred.

Suddenly, I smashed into, someone. I looked up squinting. Red eyes glared back at me in fury. Kacchan shoved me off, cursing.

"Get out of my way."

"Why don't you make me." I spat, alcohol coursing through my veins. Without thinking, with out even realizing, I threw a punch. A smirk grew across my face as Kacchan felll back. I had only used 3% of my quirk in that punch....i think. I dusted myself off, ignoring everyone stares as I walked out.

I stumbled across the empty streets. 

Dabi's P.O.V

Dabi could hear foot-steps in the alley. Instead of hiding, like any villain, he stood his ground. Pulling out a switchblade, he waited in silence

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