Sounds like fun.

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Someone on the other side kicked the door, resulting in it falling down in an instant. There, in Deku's doorstep, stood 3 infamous villains. Toga, twirling her knives, Tomura, leaning against the wall, and Kurogiri, trying to look as menacing as possible.

Dabi rolled his eyes and sighed. "Did you really have to cause such a scene? Get inside already."

The villains dropped their dramatic stances and shuffled inside, refusing to make eye contact with anything except the floor. Dabi shut the door.

"Izuku, meet the League of Villains. Aka, your new teammates."

Deku's POV

Before I could utter a word, the girl from the bar scrambled up to me, hands reaching for my face. "Hi, Izu Baby~! I'm Toga but you can call me momma~!" She squished my cheeks with her hands, the tips of her nails slightly raking my face.

"Move aside Toga~" Dabi nudged her out of the way smiling at me. Putting his hands on my shoulders, he turned me to the direction of the other 2 villains.

"Um, hey guys." I waved awkwardly, gritting my teeth. The two only turned around distastefully, whispering among themselves.

"Whatever you two idiots are whispering about over there, you can say it straight to my face instead." Dabi spat.

Tomura turned slowly, a bitter look on his face. "We're just saying, the boy looks a bit young, don't you think?"

"Not to mention weak." Kurogiri murmured, eyeing me carefully.

I clenched my jaw sharply. For a moment, I wondered if Dabi was going to say anything but...he didn't. He merely watched me intently, seeing what I would do next.

"Weak?" I scoffed. "I could fuck you up in an instant, cloud."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Dabi smile, a confident look on his face. 

"How about this." He stepped between us. "Tomorrow morning lets have... a little scrimmage, let's call it. Izuku wins, he stays in the league. And if he loses...well he won't."

I smirked. "Sounds like fun." Kurorgiri only glared back.

Narrator's POV

That night, the league decided where they would each sleep. Dabi and Izuku in his room, Toga in the guest room, Kurogiri and Tomura in the living room...

Just as Dabi began walking up the stairs to Izuku's room where he was waiting, he felt a hand grab his forearm. Tomura stared at him, a dead serious look in his eyes. 

"Dabi...are you absolutely sure the boy's cut out for the league."

Dabi merely shrugged him off. "I trust in his abilities. So should you."

"Ah, all right then...good night."

A.N//oh my god 1k + views WHAT??!? ILY GUYS SM and your support means the world to me :)) I'll continue the story if we get to 90 stars. I once again shouldn't have posted this in the night oops. Anyways *kiss kiss* have a good night...! or day...or afternoon...or-

Edit: The next chapter's gonna have a lil bit of smUT just saying.

Feels Better {Dabi x Deku}Where stories live. Discover now