Anxiously Anxious Anxiety

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Todoroki's POV

I felt my jaw drop, as an all too familiar face appeared in my view. I let out a strangled sound, earning the attention of everyone else in the room. In an instant, I turned to Izuku, seeking comfort, support, help...

only to find he wore the exact same look on his face.

Izuku's POV

I felt my heart race, either from shock or from excitement. Was that really Dabi? I squinted, trying to somehow telepathically get him to look at me. Our eyes met, and for a moment, it was like we were the only 2 people in the world. He had looked so confident as he strutted in, but now hints of fear flickered in his eyes. Was he that scared I would reject him? I mean, I myself wasn't too sure about giving him another chance or-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted, by a gasp from the seat next to me.

"Todoroki?" I whispered, a look of confusion spreading across my face. What the hell? Why was he so anxious?

My eyes flitted between the two, as the gears started turning in my head.

They knew each other.

And for some reason...

that made me nervous.

A.N// I KNOW I TOOK A RANDOM HIATUS AND FOR THAT...I'm very sorry! I was having difficulties and lack of motivation because I didn't know what direction I wanted this story to go. I'll continue this story when this chapter gets 30 likes. I know you guys can do it! Next chapter's gonna be extra long hehe. Also, thank you guys sosososo much for voting and your hilarious comments! I read every single one of them and my notifications that I saw today are actually what motivated me to write the next chapter. I love yall and TY!!!

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