Chapter 1

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Namjoon POV

"I fucking want out of here." I speak coldly, staring out the window of this damned hospital room. I've been stuck here for years now and it's not helped one bit.

"I know you do, Namjoon. I know. But I can't exactly just release you when you've not even showed any signs of improvement." Jin hyung says with a sigh, sitting on the end of my bed and looking at me.

"There's no point in keeping me here, hyung. I've been here for years now and it's not changed a damn thing. There's no reason to keep someone who's never going to get any better when you could have someone else in here who could actually cooperate with you and who would actually get better." I tell him.

"Namjoon, you can get better. But not when you keep acting this way. I understand it's a very hard process but you're not even trying." He says with a frown.

"No, you don't fucking 'understand'. You could never understand. You weren't there. You didn't have to fucking live with it and go through it. There is no fucking point anymore, hyung." I snap, my anger and pain getting the best of me once again.

Running a tired hand through my hair, I pick up the notebook beside me and begin writing. I do this anytime I need to get everything that's in my head out. Writing out how I'm feeling before going to a new page after it and jotting little things here and there down. Writings always been my easier way to get my feelings expressed. It's always been easier to express myself through my writing rather than speaking it.

"Alright, look. I've got an idea on how I can release you." Jin finally speaks up after a few minutes with a sigh. I merely raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to speak as I pause my writing.

"I've got a friend that's dealt with his own kind of loss that was extremely hard on him. He's been doing really well lately though. I can release you, but you have to stay with him. Live with him and go through things with him. He's the only one I can think of that might have any chance of getting you out of this rut. But, you have to listen to him and work with him. Sound like a plan?" He informs me.

I sigh, setting the notebook down beside me as I run a hand through my hair. I mean, it doesn't sound like a terrible idea. But, I have no idea who this guy is or what he's like. I did want out of here though.

"Fine. But don't expect anything great to happen from this, hyung." I agree unenthusiastically. He merely nods his head as he stands up.

"Good. I'm going to go give him a call and see if he's willing to help." He tells me with a smile before leaving my room.

I sigh, flopping back on my bed. I'm really not excited to meet this guy and have to live with him.

Jungkook POV

Sitting down on the bench in one of the parks near my apartment, a tiny smile forms on my lips. Sighing to myself, I look around at my serene surroundings.

It's calming, coming here to this park that's always quiet and calm while the rest of the world is wandering around in their hustle bustle-y lives. Even if it is the park hyung and I used to come to all the time...

As I'm sitting here with my camera hung around my neck, I feel my phone begin to buzz in my back pocket. Curious as to who would be calling me, I pull my phone out to find Jin hyung calling. That's odd, I've not spoken to him since the funeral other than once when we met up so that he could see how I was doing...

"Hello?" I answer, still curious as to why he's calling.

"Jungkookie?" He replies in a seemingly hopeful tone. I smile hearing his voice again. It really has been a while...

"That's me, hyung! Is everything okay?" I ask in mild confusion. However, when he sighs, I realize there's at least something that's been bothering him.

"Kookie, how've you been?" He asks softly, causing me to frown. I sigh at the use of the nickname, one that I'd been given and not had used in years now. I know he's serious though, and I know what he's talking about.

"I've been doing well, hyung. I'm actually taking college classes now, I'm in my second year. That's the biggest thing that's changed since the last time we spoke." I answer gently, letting my eyes wander around the beautiful park to help keep my nerves at bay.

"That's good, Kookie. That's really good. I'm really proud of you." He tells me, and I can hear it in his voice that it's genuine. I can't help but smile at his response, grateful to have someone that's not me telling me that I really am doing an okay job with coping.

"Thank you, hyung. Is there something going on that I can help you with? I'm sure there must be more reason than that as to why you're calling and asking rather than calling to ask to meet up again." I ask curiously. I hear him sigh once again.

"Honestly, I wish the answer was no, but you still seem to know me too well, Jungkookie. I've got a patient here who's really been struggling. He's been here for a couple years now and hasn't shown any signs of improvement at all, but he's desperately wanting out of here. I know it's a lot to be asking, but I was hoping you'd be willing to help." He explains sounding nervous. I smile at his nervousness. He's always hated asking for help from others when the problem has nothing to do with them.

"Of course I'll help, hyung. You know I'm always happy to help whenever I can with anything." I tell him. I hear him sigh once more, but I know that this times it's out of relief.

"Thank you so much, Jungkookie. I'm really sorry to be asking this of you. I know you're still working on getting over his passing, but it really means a lot."

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