Chapter 15

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Jungkook POV

The next morning, I wake up extra early. After a little bit longer after that conversation with hyung, he finally decided that he wanted to try and sleep again. Only, he wanted me to stay with him just in case.

As I open up my laptop, I can't help but smile as I remember how cute he was last night. He was so damn shy when he asked if I'd stay with him for a little while longer even though he wanted to go to sleep.

"You look like you could fall asleep any second now, hyung. Do you wanna try and get some sleep now?" I ask softly, noticing Namjoon beginning to struggle to keep himself upright and eyes open. He blushes a little bit, nodding his head.

"Thought so. Why don't you try and get some sleep, and you can come get me if you still can't or if you need anything. Okay?" I offer, standing up from the bed.

"Actually... Would you mind staying, Jungkook? I... Just in case..." He mutters the last part under his breath, though I heard it clear as day in our silent apartment. Looking back over at him in surprise, he's even redder now than he was before. I can't help but chuckle lightly at the sight.

"Of course, hyung." I respond with a smile, climbing back onto the bed.

We both lay down, a bit of space between us as we face opposite ways. Though, as I lay there in attempt to eventually fall asleep, I hear his breathing regulate within just mere minutes. I smile to myself as I realize he's fallen asleep already.

Though, just before I can manage to fall asleep myself, I feel an arm lazily drape over my waist. My eyes snap open in surprise, tiredly lifting my head and looking behind me to find Namjoon nuzzling up against me as he soon finds a comfortable position.

Grinning to myself, I lay my head back down and fall asleep just seconds later.

Rubbing my eyes tiredly, I open up my colleges website and begin searching through it until I've gotten to where I need to be. Yawning quietly, I stand up and walk over to my coffee maker that's just finished brewing. I quickly pour myself a cup before taking it back over to the table with me and sitting back down.

Sighing to myself, I continue on with what I'm doing. A few minutes later, I have Namjoon signed up for college at the same one Tae and I attend. Biting my lip, I take a couple sips of my coffee before continuing on to make his schedule.

After around thirty minutes, I finally have everything finalized for him. With a schedule very similar to my own, he'll be starting classes tomorrow. All that's left now, is to get him school supplies and... make the payment for him to officially be good to start classes tomorrow.

Eyeing the cost of this first semester for him wearily, I eventually end up putting in my information and paying for it. After that's done, I close my laptop and look at the clock.

Groaning, I stand up and put my laptop away before heading to my room to get ready for the day. I'll just surprise him this afternoon when I take him shopping for supplies.

Namjoon POV

As I get up and get ready for the day, I'm fairly weary for what today holds. I know I asked Jungkook to help me figure out how the hell to start living again last night, but I have no idea what the hell he's going to do. How the hell he plans to do this.

"Hyung? You ready to go?" Jungkook asks from the other side of my door. Sighing to myself as I look myself over once more in the mirror, I head to the door and open it with a tiny smile.


As we walk inside the building for his first class, we're very quickly greeted by a smiling Taehyung.

"Good morning, Kookie. Good morning, hyung. How're you feeling, Jungkook?" He greets as we all begin walking towards their class.

"I'm feeling fine, Taehyung. Honestly, hyung. You all worry too much." Jungkook says with a smile. Though, after what Taehyung had told me yesterday, I'm skeptical of any smile he pulls anymore.

"His life isn't all that it appears to be. There's a lot more cracks and pains in his life than what he lets on"

"Whatever you say, Kookie." Tae says with a chuckle, ruffling the younger boy's hair. I smile a bit at the sight, seeing Jungkook smile and chuckle at Taehyung's behavior.

Eventually, we reach their first class and the professor starts the lecture. Though, while Taehyung and Jungkook as intently focused on what their professor is saying and teaching them, I end up, for whatever reason, beginning to notice and admire different little things about Jungkook.

Realizing the way he bites his lip in concentration as he tries to keep up with what the professor is teaching. It's cute, the way his hair falls into his eyes a bit when he looks down to his notebook to take notes, looking up occasionally and having to look through his bangs.

Hyung, what the hell is happening to me? Why am I beginning to view him this way and think of him this way? Is this what you were talking about in my dream? Is this what you wanted? Or did you know this would happen if I stopped being so cold and closed off to everything?

But then it wouldn't make sense... Hyung, you said that I wasn't just hurting myself, but someone else as well. And that someone else needed me to start living again, not just me. But... if you were talking about Jungkook, then it wouldn't make any sense... Why would he need me to start living again too?

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