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It has been a week since their college started…They are getting used to the college…Varsha and Arnav did not talk after the first day…They just stole glances when the other is not looking…

They come to the class and settle down…Their first hour started..Prof.Mehta started taking class…Since the day when the professor warned Sanjay and he came to the class again,Sanjay does not sit in his class…He goes out whenever his class comes…But that day he was sitting in the class…He wants to insult that professor and so he gets up…

Sanjay : So guys..Today no class for u..U can  go out…

Everyone is puzzled…The professor stared at him…Nobody got up…They saw prof.Mehta’s face…

Sanjay : I asked u to get up…Just go out of the class…Let him take class to the desks and benches…(laughs)

Nobody got up…

Sanjay : U guys don’t respect my words?? U will regret it later…I said get out..(shouts)

Most of the students got up…

Varsha : Sir…I will be here…U can take class for me…

Sanjay stares at her angrily…Varsha too stares at him…He comes to her…

Sanjay : How dare u??

Varsha : I am not ur slave to do what u say…

Sanjay : U are my slave…

Varsha : I cant do what u ask me to…Get lost…

Sanjay : U …..

He raises his hand to slap her…Varsha holds his hand…Arnav looks at her astonished…

Sanjay : Hey…How dare u hold my hand??

Varsha : I cannot do what u say…If u want,u can go out of the class…

By saying that,Varsha releases his hand…Sanjay is embarassed that a girl insulted him…

Sanjay : (to others) Hey…What are u looking here?? Just go out of the class…

Some students are ready to go out…They start moving…
By then Arnav says…..

Arnav : Friends…I am supporting Varsha in this matter…I will also remain in this class with her…U guys can also join with us…

Varsha looks at him surprised..Arnav comes and stands beside Varsha …Vicky follows him…Some of the students too sat in their places…They said,”We will also support u”…

Sanjay looked at them with eyes burning in anger…Finally all of the students sat in the class…They shouted,”Sir…Please continue the class”

Sanjay : (to Varsha) U will regret it later…

He sees Varsha and Arnav  with red eyes…Varsha gave a victorious smile to him..He went out of the class with Varun and two others of his gang….

Prof.Mehta : I am so proud of u students….If u are united like this,u can control him…He is misusing his powers…I hope he will realize his mistake soon…


Sanjay and his friends are in the parking lot…

Sanjay : How dare she is?? She is supporting that idiot professor…

Varun : Today that Arnav too joined her…Because of them,u were highly insulted in front of the whole class…

Sanjay : both of them will pay for it…