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Days pass…Varsha falls for Arnav every single day…Everytime,he has protected her,motivated her,supported her…Made her laugh even at situations when she cant even smile…Varsha regards him as her sunshine…

Arnav too started enjoying her company…He enjoyed spending time with Varsha…He considers Varsha as a very best friend of him…He did not get the spark of love yet…

They are in their second year now…It’s a morning…They are in the class…It is prof.Mehta’s class again…Nowadays,Sanjay behaves good and most of the time he goes out of the class without disturbing others…

Sanjay is with Varun in the class…Varun is angry at Varsha and Arnav as because of them only Sanjay slapped him..He wanted to take revenge on them…So he starts poisoning Sanjay’s mind against them…He triggers Sanjay…

Varun : Sanjay…I feel bad whenever I see Arnav and Varsha…Don’t u feel so?? They insulted u that day,right?? I can understand how u felt that day…But u turned ur anger towards me and slapped me…I thought u would slap Arnav for his taunts..But instead u slapped me…How can u leave them Sanjay?? They have so much attitude…They go against u…It is very bad…I don’t know why u don’t do anything with them…I thought u will make them pay for it…But u did not…I am really ashamed Sanjay…

Sanjay : Actually sorry for slapping u…I was angry at them and showed it on u…Very sorry for that..But why didn’t u ask this before?

Varun : I wanted to ask…But I was scared that u would get angry on me and slap me again…But I want to say something…If I were u,I would have killed both of them…

Sanjay : Do u think that I am scared of them?? (laughs) I am just waiting for the right moment…

Varun : But when will that come??

Sanjay : Who knows?? It can come after a year,or a month or tomorrow and it can be today too…(evil smile)

Varun : I don’t understand…

Sanjay : Just wait and watch..

Prof.Mehta arrives…All of them get up and greet him except Sanjay…He starts teaching…By then,Sanjay gets up from his place…He goes near the professor…

Sanjay : Mr.Mehta…U don’t have to take class..(He gets the book and chalk from his hand and keeps them on the table)

Prof.Mehta : But why??

Sanjay : I don’t feel like listening to u…

Prof.Mehta : If u are not interested,u can go out of the class…I wont say anything…

Sanjay : Very good…So u are sending me out of the class…How brave!!

The professor takes the book in his hand…

Sanjay : Hello…I am talking to u only..I said no classes today….

Prof.Mehta : I don’t have to listen to u…I have more portions and I have to finish them on time…(He opens the book and starts writing on the blackboard…Sanjay snatches the book from him)

Arnav,Varsha and some of the students get up from their places…Professor asks them to sit and he continues writing with the points from his memory…Sanjay gets angry on seeing this..He turns the professor to his side and raises his hand to slap him…Arnav goes and stops him by holding his hand…

Arnav : Don’t u dare to touch him…Else,all of us will kill u…

Sanjay : So,u are the saviour of this coward??(professor)