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Swadhu thinks of getting an auto or cab to reach home…Sid waits sitting in his bike thinking whether she will get in his bike…

Swadhu tries calling a cab but could not get any…She sees an auto there and tries to stop it…But the driver did not stop it as there was someone going in it…

Sid : (thinks) Hmm…She is trying hard not to come in my bike…Lets see what happens..

Swadhu : (thinks)Oh God…Seems like I have to go with him…But he is so egoistic…I wont get into his bike until he calls me to…But he is not telling anything…Is his waiting a symbolic way of telling me to get into his bike??

She sees him from the corner of her eye..Sid catches her gaze..Seeing him,she turned to the other side..

Sid : (smiles)Adamant girl…She wants me to call her,I think…But I wont…I will wait until u leave ur adamancy…

He took his phone and started seeing social media…

15 minutes passed like this…

Swadhu : (thinks) U don’t have any other option Swadhu…No cab or auto..I think buses too might have gone…After all,he is ur love only…Just give some relaxation for ur adamancy…U are just going with him..Not going to talk with him..

Sid finds something heavier in his bike…He turns to see Swadheenta sitting in his back…He keeps his phone in his pocket and smiles slightly…Swadhu catches it from the rear view mirror…He starts the bike with a jerk…Swadhu jerks and holds his shoulder…Then takes her hands off and holds the bar in the back tightly…

Sid keeps going..They did not say a single word…They went calm…They reached her house…

Swadhu is about to fell when she gets down from the bike…Sid holds her…She throws an angry look at him…He leaves her and she falls down…Sid could not control laughing…She stared at him angrily…He controlled laughing.Without saying a word,she went inside…

Sid : Do u know how patient I am?? I will wait till u open ur mouth and talk to me even if it takes a millennium…If u are adamant ,I am super adamant…

He leaves…Swadhu sees him from the window…


Abhi and Ritika are going…

Ritika : Abhijeet…Can u stop??

Abhi stops the bike…she gets down..

Ritika : I don’t know what is happening…Why did u and ur friend made me sit in ur bike??

Abhi : Actually…Thank u so much for coming with me when I called u…We really need ur help and ur help means so much to us…Sid and Swadhu..They had fought…We have planned something to unite them..That is making them come together…But she was about to come with me…To avoid that only I called u…Sorry if I did anything wrong…Tell me where ur house is,I will drop u…

Ritika : No no…I will go by bus…My mama and mami will scold me if I go with u…

Abhi : What?? Ur mama and mami??

Ritika : Ya…I live with them…

Abhi : May I ask u something??

Ritika nods..

Abhi : Ur parents??

Ritika : They are in Mumbai…

Abhi : Oh…Ok…I will wait until bus comes…

Ritika : No…Please go…I will go by myself…

Abhi : Its ok..I will wait…U are reserved type nah??