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The episode starts with Abhi and Ritika returning to their house after the function.. They are in a cab..

Abhi sees the pictures which were taken on the function..

Abhi : Ritu.. Look at this.. U have closed ur eyes in this picture.. U look like a puppy in this..

He shows the pictures and comments.. Ritika is sad and just sees it .. Abhi notices her..

Abhi : (himself)Why this girl looks sad?? I think she is tired.. Ok.. Leave it..

He continues his work..

Ritika (thinks): U are really sweet Abhi.. U saved me from Arjun even when I was not ready to fight.. Nowadays, I am enjoying ur company.. May be I am falling for u.. Yes.. who won’t fall in love with the sweetest and a lovely person like u?? But,sometimes we need a hard knock on our heads to come back to senses.. And that happened to me today.. I have a doubt that u are being with me, only as u have given me commitment.. U married me unexpectedly and u might have promised me that u will take care of me,only as u don’t have any other option.. U might have had some qualities for ur dream girl.. I know that I lack some of the qualities that u are expecting.. Moreover,I am not a suitable match for u as everyone say.. So.. I am in a confusion now.. I want to know whether u love me as a compulsion or by heart.. I will try to know it..

She sighs.. They reach home.. After sometime,Abhi comes to her..

Abhi : Hey Ritu.. I downloaded the new movie.. Let’s watch it together..

Ritika : No Abhi.. I am not coming..

Abhi : How boring u are!! U should learn to be interesting like me..

Ritika : Ya Abhijeet.. I am not ur types.. I am boring..

She goes to sleep..

Abhi : (thinks) Why is she disinterested in anything? What happened?? She is not talking to me properly.. Did I do anything wrong?? Did I hurt her?? And what is this?? She calls me Abhi these days.. But Now she called me with my full name as she used to call before.. I don’t understand what’s wrong with her.. I have to find it soon..

He sighs..


Arnav and Shruti are in their room.. Shruti tries to sleep but she could not..Arnav reads a book sitting next to her.. She tossed and turned in the bed.. Arnav notices her..

Arnav : Hello.. Can’t u sleep?? Why are turning this side and that side??

Shruti : Mister.. U are not my boss.. I have equal rights as u in this bed.. Don’t try to control me..

Arnav : See.. I am not controlling u.. Even if i try,I cannot.. Because u can’t be controlled by anyone..

Shruti gives a proud smile..

Arnav : Because,I know that I can’t control devils..

Shruti beats him with the pillow..

Arnav : Hello.. Wait.. I was reading this book and u were distracting me by turning here and there.. And u know?? I really get angry when someone disturbs me while reading..

Shruti : Oh.. Really?? U get angry only for this? Does Arnav Singh Raizada need a reason to get angry?? He is always angry.. U are not Arnav Singh Raizada.. But Angry Singh Raizada..

Arnav smiles slightly..

Shruti : I am shouting at u and here u are smiling?? U have changed a lot.. And one more thing.. U are reading this boring book and u get angry if I disturb u in between..