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Shruti takes Swadeenta to the room again..
The engagement is about to happen.. All have gathered.. Shruti comes and stands near Abhi..

Abhi : Oye.. Where have u been?? I was searching for u..

Shruti : Why did u search for me??

Abhi : For company only..

Shruti : U have ur new friend Ritika nah?? Do u need my company when she is here??

Shruti said it casually.. Abhi saw Ritika who was next to two ladies.. She too heard what Shruti said.. She stared at Abhi..

Shruti : Ritika.. Come here.. Why are u sitting alone??

Ritika first refuses but later comes and stands near Shruti.

Sid comes to them..

Shruti : Stupid.. What have u been doing in terrace? I was holding my life in my hands.. What if somebody sees you?? There are elderly people from Swadhu’s side.. They would start taking,” when we were small” lectures.. Thank God u came on time..

Sid : That’s husband and wife things.. I won’t let u know..

Shruti : How dare u??

Abhi was standing silently.. He stared at Ritika occasionally..

Sid : Why Abhi sir is so silent?

Shruti : Hmm.. He might be wondering when his engagement would happen,isn’t it Abhi?? And remember,no girl will be ready to get engaged to u..

Shruti teased him..

Abhi : Hmm.. My story is not like all yours ..its not an ordinary story.. Mine is special.. No engagement.. Directly marriage..

He said those words looking at Ritika…

Shruti and Sid laughed..

Shruti : I am telling that no girl would even love u.. Here you are talking about marriage.. Good joke!

Abhi : Hmm..let’s see.. One day u will come to know..

Sid and Swadhu stood facing each other.. Sid made her wear the engagement ring..Everybody clapped.. Then Swadhu made Sid wear the ring..

Sid : (in husky tone to Swadhu) Dear.. I bought this ring with my own money as I promised u..

Swadhu : Wow.. Love u a lot..

She smiled at him.. They got blessings from all elders.. Then everybody started giving gifts..

Ritika gave them a gift and went to pose for a photo, Standing next to Swadhu . Abhi sees it.. He runs and stands next to Sid..

Sid : What happened??

Abhi : Nothing.. She is standing next to Swadhu.. And u are standing alone nah?? So I came to give u company..

Sid : This does not seem like a valid point..Hmm..something is happening between both of u..

Abhi grins.. He stares at Ritika.. She did not see him..

Abhi : This is our first family photo,isn’t it Ritika??

Swadhu : What do u mean??

Abhi : I mean ur family photo.. U and Sid are now family nah??

He grins again..Ritika gives an angry stare..

Shruti comes and gives handshakes..

Sid : Hey where is ur Gift?