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The episode starts with Shruti’s mom welcoming Aatvik’s mom and dad(Shruti’s uncle and aunt) inside their house.. Shruti is nervous.. She gives a formal smile..

Radhika (Shruti’s mom): How are u Anna(bro) and anni(sis in law)?

Shruti’s aunt : We are fine.. How are u all??

Radhika : We are fine too..

Aunt : Oye.. My daughter in law.. Come and sit..

Shruti comes and sits with a forced smile..
Shruti’s dad and grandparents too come and sit.. They have formal talks..

Aunt : So.. We are here to discuss some important matter with u..

Shruti’s heart beat raises..

Radhika : Hmm.. Tell us anni..

Aunt : Our kids are grown.. Aatvik has a job and here,Shruti too got a good job.. They are settled.. I think it’s time to take their lives to next level.. I mean they have reached their marriage age and I think we have to think about it..

Radhika : Haan.. It’s already decided only no?? We don’t have any objection with it.. In fact,we are very happy to get Shruti married to Aatvik.. I am really happy to get my daughter married to my nephew..(Aatvik is Radhika’s bro’s son)

Shruti does not know what to do..

Shruti : (thinks) Oh God.. What is this?? I am in trouble.. This Aatvik coward made me land in trouble.. I don’t want to get married to Aatvik too.. But the point is,Aatvik could have come and stood with me.. Both of us could have convinced our parents.. But that idiot,wants only me to suffer.. I am alone.. I don’t know what to do.. If I say no now,my parents and my uncle and aunt would get hurt.. And this aunt,she will definitely taunt my parents and my upbringing.. No that could not happen.. But if I don’t speak anything now,they may take it that I am happy with this marriage.. No.. I am in love with Arnav.. That innocent girl,Aarti too loves that coward Aatvik.. Now what will I do??

Her thoughts train broke when her aunt spoke..

Aunt : Shruti.. Why are u silent?? Are u getting shy as we are talking about ur marriage??

Aunt laughs..

Shruti gathers courage..

Shruti : No..

Radhika : What??

Shruti : No.. I don’t want to get married..

Aunt : Why? Oh.. U don’t want to get married now.. If so,take ur time.. We will get u married later.. May be after 1 or 2 years..

Shruti : No.. I don’t want to get married to Aatvik..

Radhika : Means??

Aunt : Why??

Shruti : Because.. I .. I .. Don’ him..

Everyone is shocked..

Radhika : What the hell are u talking?? We have been telling that both of u will get married since u are kids nah?? Now what happened?? Are u out of ur mind??

Shruti : I don’t want to get married to Aatvik and that’s final.. (To aunt) Aunty.. Go and get some other bride for ur son..

Radhika : How dare u?

Shruti did not say anything.. She gets into her room and locks herself.. She burst out crying..

Radhika : Anni.. Sorry for her behaviour.. I will convince her..