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The episode starts with the Six of them reaching Sid’s village..

Sid : Thank God.. We have reached finally.. Now I have to convince Amma and appa..

Abhi: Hello.. U have to pay us.. Myself ,Shruti and Arnav bhai have worked as driver for u.. Remember that..

Sid : I will pay Arnav bhai and Shruti.. They have driven longer than u.. And u slept in between and u are the one who stopped Shruti’s alarm.. So I won’t give anything to u..

All of them laugh except Abhi.
They get down from the car.. Shruti feels her leg numb and could not walk.. She holds Swadhu..

Swadhu : Darlo.. What happened??

Shruti : My legs are numb.. I can’t walk..

She holds her and struggles to walk..Suddenly Arnav comes to her.. He holds her hand and supports her to walk.. But then too Shruti could not walk.. Without thinking even for a moment,he takes her in his arms and takes her to a corner where there was a chair..Shruti is embarrassed while Abhi,Swadhu and Ritu see with their mouths wide open.. Sid feels happy on seeing them..

Ritika : Abhi.. I too can’t walk..

Abhi : Do u want to kill me?? She is slim and hence her hubby lifted her easily.. See.. If I take u in my arms,I am sure I will get fracture..

Ritika stared at him angrily and pinches him..
Arnav makes her sit in a chair and he presses her leg.

Arnav : Are u alright now??

Shruti gets up and walks..

Shruti : (smiling) its alright now.. Is it a magic?

Arnav nods.. He goes to get the luggages from the car.. Shruti follows him..

Abhi : Hey.. U can walk now??

Shruti : Haan yes.. That’s a magic..

Ritika : Hmm.. Arnav bhai might have done some romantic magic..(winks)

Abhi : No Ritu.. She would have lied that she could not walk because she badly wanted Arnav bhai to carry her..

Arnav overhears it and gives a smile.. Shruti wanted to irritate him..

Shruti : Hello.. I am not dying to be carried by him.. In fact,I am angry at him..

Abhi,Ritu : What??

Shruti did not answer.. Arnav feels bad.. Shruti catches it from the corner of her eye and smiles..


Shruti is in the room while Arnav had gone to take bath..

Shruti (thinks): I am really confused.. Yesterday night I really enjoyed being with him.. He listened to my silly stories.. He gave his heart throbbing smile too.. I feel very good when he smiles.. And morning,when Abhi teased me,he side hugged me to comfort me from the embarrassment.. And he carried me when I said that i can’t walk.. And he presented me a bangle with a sorry note.. Is this the real Arnav? Or the one whom I saw on the day of my proposal?? He is so sweet to me now but then.. He was the rudest..I don’t understand anything..

Sid comes to meet Shruti..

Sid : Shruti.. Are u tired?? U might not have got good sleep yesterday..

Shruti : No Sid.. I am okay.. I will take rest afterwards..

Sid : Seems like u had good time with ur hubby..(winks)

Shruti : I was thinking about him only.. He is so sweet nowadays.. He apologized to me thrice.. But he is the same Arnav who talked to me so that day..