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I rub my hands on my jean trouser, stretching it for a second before laying it back on the immaculate white keyboard in front of me, leaning forward to squint at the computer screen and at the same time lick my dry lips. I try to concentrate more on the memo I'm writing.

I'm Rya Hanson, Miss Rya Hanson, owner and sole manager of the famous 'LA MESA' restaurant in the whole of London, and yes, it is a Mexican restaurant.

I'm proud to say it's one of the top five in the whole of London, quite an achievement if you ask me.

My self praise is cut short when a knock sounds on my glass door and without looking up, I mutter a somewhat loud 'come in.'

Maya Crofton, my personal assistant walks in, settling her big nerdy glasses well on her nose as she drops a brown file on my desk, smiling so brightly it's enough to make me go blind.

"This is the file you asked for ma'am, I prepared it myself." She informs, her arms behind her in a gentle manner.

Still without looking at her, I give a curt nod, my eyes still fixed on the several messages on my e-mail.

"Okay Maya, what about the company renting this place tomorrow? I hope they are not just going to back off after I announced to the public that LA MESA will not be open tomorrow." I mutter and I feel her tense up a bit, before answering me in the most confident voice she can muster.

"That's not going to happen ma'am, I met up with the CEO yesterday to finalize the payments and he said he wasn't backing out... The retreat will still hold ma'am." She explains.

I nod one more time and wave her away with my less busy hand.

"That is all... You may go."

After a second of her hesitating, I finally bring up my head to look into her warm brown ones.

"Anything else Maya?" I ask in a tone that tells her I'm in no mood for jokes, not that I ever am anyways.

"Huh... Yes, it's 12:30am ma'am..." She mutters suggestively.

I raise an eyebrow.


"The restaurant closed two hours ago ma'am." She mutters uneasily and I sigh.

"Go home Miss Crofton, you're done for the day." I turn back to my work and she smiles brightly turning to go and then stopping again.

I sigh internally, this lady is so annoying.

"But ma'am what about you?" She asks and I fix her a look.

"Right.. Goodnight Miss Hanson." She mutters awkwardly and quickly walks away.


I sit back against my chair, relaxing for a second and debating on going home in the next 30 minutes or next hour.

My phone suddenly vibrates and I unlock it to check for any notifications, instead I see the overdue scolding message from Luke.

"It's 11:30 woman, not a nice time for a female to be out in the streets of London, CEO or not, do you want me to come pick you up?" It reads and I scoff, shaking my head at it, a smile playing on my lips.

Not many people can make me smile, but he is one of the 'not manys'.

There my answer is, I'm going home right away.

I grab my keys, exit my office, lock it and walk down the golden stairs to the official clean and royal looking restaurant, motioning to the security men staring at me anxiously to lock up and go home.

I walk out to the chilly London night, scanning the area before walking towards the carpark and into my car, not waiting a second more before zooming off.


Minutes later, I've already parked my car in the driveway and walked into our mansion looking house.

The smell of something cooking hits my nose the minute I walk in and I unconsciously pull my pumps to the side, forgetting to wear a slipper and finding my way to the kitchen with a big smile on my lips.

I stop at the door, the sight that greets me makes me lean against the door just smiling before I slowly creep over to the half naked, huge muscled man in my kitchen, giving him a back hug.

"Hubby I'm home!!" I exclaim when he tenses up for a second before relaxing when he realises it's just me.

"Yeah, call me hubby ten more times, maybe then you would start to believe it." Luke says cheerfully, turning his mischievous eyes to meet mine for a second before going back to what he is cooking and I roll my eyes, smacking his chest playfully.

"You're such a killjoy." I murmur before dropping my bag and leaning against the counter with a satisfied smirk, watching my gay best friend work his way around the kitchen.

"You know I'd totally fuck you if I liked pussy... And if I think that, do you know how much other guys would lust after you? That means you shouldn't stay out late!" He scolds not turning to look at me and I sigh, rolling my eyes.

Yes Dad.

Oh I would be the happiest, satisfied woman if only he loves pussy.

I think as I not so discreetly steal a handful of chocolate chips from the table.

"You were the one who suggested I meet more people... Remember?" I say with a smug look. I look around to see Gatto, strolling around the passageway, happy in her white doggy fur like she owns the place.

Yes, I named my dog 'cat', got any problem with that?

Luke turns to me with a stern look, and a cookie in his right hand.

"When I told you that you needed to go out more, meet more people, I didn't mean you should return very late at night... I meant talk more, smile more, scowl less." He says, at the same time plopping the cookie in my mouth.

"Hey! I smile a lot! I smile with you and Gatto!"

He gives me a look.

"And I meet more people!" I defend myself and he scoffs.

"Like you're on good terms with anyone in that restaurant.. " He tries to reason but I just shake my head, grabbed my bag, heading upstairs to my room yelling.

"I'm the boss, I don't need to be on anybody's fucking good terms... Its vice versa."



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