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*A/N; Beautiful beautiful cover by MariamRehab I really really love this!*


I clasp my hands together in an attempt to stop it from shaking so badly, my lips in a harsh grasp by my teeth, my forehead beautified by deep frown lines, my legs shaking under the table.

Why me?
Why fucking me?!

Cain Michaels, my greatest fantasy and nightmare.

I was never supposed to see him again!

I jerk my head upwards, facing the ceiling and talking to God.

"What happened to 'my nightmare will never repeat itself, huh? What happened to the part that said happiness will come find me?" I sigh after a while and look away, anger consuming me.
"I knew that old, annoying priest was a good for nothing!"

A loud, hesitant knock sounds on my door and my head snaps towards the direction, my heart in my mouth.

"What is it?" I snap in an attempt to cover up my uneasiness and Maya walks in with her usual bright smile.

I suddenly feel the urge to slap the smile off her stupid beautiful face, but I'm satisfied a bit when the smile fades a bit when she notices my shaky self.

Quickly I regain my composure.

"What do you want?"

"The retreat has ended ma'am... They are leaving and I wanted to know if you want to say a word of goodbye?" She asks and I don't think about the question for a millisecond before I answer in a rushed tone.

"No, let them go!"

I notice her confused look and I clear my throat. "No goodbye speeches... They can go." I mutter as nonchalantly as I can and, seemingly getting my message, Maya smiles and walks out of my office.

Once I'm left alone, my thoughts wander off again.


I sniff again and again, trying hard to keep my tears at bay as I walk fast towards the female toilet, ignoring the other students sneering at me.

Just as I reach the door and make to open it, an arm shoots out, grabbing me and pulling me aside to meet with the familiar, hypnotising silver eyes and I try my best to hold in my gasp at the intensity the eyes holds.

Slowly, his hands lift to my face before his thumb wipes away stray tears that managed to escape my eyes.

I look away, trying not to think too much of the simple action for I was normally a stupid girl.

A stupid girl whom everyone bullies at school, a stupid girl who everyone pushes up and around, the one who is everyone's slave since she a poor girl in a rich school, but still habours a stupid stupid crush on the hottest guy in school. Exactly how stupid was that?

"Rya..." The voice that never fails to bring me to the brink of a crazy orgasm spoke out and I hold my moan, reminding myself that I am not dreaming, this is real life, where he never sees me as anything but 'fat'.

"Look at me Rya." He pleads, desperation lacing his tone and I find myself looking up to his grey eyes.

"Don't cry... You are beautiful Rya, you are the most beautiful, sexy yet innocent and strong girl I've ever met... Don't let those fuckers get to you... You are beautiful... Too beautiful to be real." He says and my heart soars, tears long gone, instead replaced with shock, gratitude, wonder... and lust.

Shocked that the 'Cain Michaels' was talking to me.
Was calling me beautiful.

Gratitude to him for making me forget my sorrows even if for a second.

Wondering if he is actually blind and needs help for calling me beautiful or if he just wanted to make me smile.

I look at the mirror everyday so I know how I look thank you.

Lust because well. I'm a hormonal teenager, who has had an everlasting crush on this guy and has had several dreams of the same guy fucking me till I pass out... Then wake up with soaked panties.

"I-I I'm." I stammer, trying to find the correct words to say but instead is cut short by plump pink lips smashing against mine in a heated kiss.

Needless to say, that was the beginning of my end.


I sigh once more, rubbing my hands on my forehead, then glance at my window seeing the cars leave one by one.

My heart sinks for an unknown reason.

Did he leave?

Slowly I get up from my chair and walk out of my office, ignoring the small voice that prayed he didn't leave already.

Prayers answered.

I freeze in my step when I see him just five feet away from me, an uncertain look in his eyes.

God, I'm going to give you a query pretty soon.

All the while he walks closer. my legs are still stuck to my fucking tiles.

"Rya..." He mutters and my breath hitches at the sound of my name from his lips.


I harden my face and turn to walk back to my office but he is more quick and grabs my arm snarling.

"Do not walk away from me again Rya, never again... Not when I've finally found you... After five years." His grip tightens painfully as he practically spits out the next word.
"After what you did to me."

Finally I loose it.

"After what I did to you? Are you out of your fucking mind?? You deserve everything that happened to you Cain... You deserve it and more so don't you dare touch me, telling me shit about looking for me because you're a nightmare that would never happen again." I say, my eyes blazing with anger, all the while avoiding looking at his lips completely, pushing away the crazy part of me that just wanted to push aside all talk and instead let our bodies do the conversation.

Like we always did.

I jerk my arms from his grip and makes to walk away again only to be stopped by the infuriating man.

"I hate you Rya Hanson, I hate you so much... I just don't know and understand why I can't think of anything but kissing you right now." He mutters, his cold eyes boring into my wide open ones.

What the fuck is this idiot waiting for??

What am I saying, why would I just fall for him again at first sight all he had done?

So pathetic of me.

"Let go of me Cain... Fuck off while you're at it too." I spit out and finally succeed in taking three steps forward before I'm stopped again, yanked to face him.

"I'm going to kiss you now." And hot plump lips met with mine.

The only thing I can think of as I immediately wrap my hands around his neck is.




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