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I stare at him with no expression at all and feel Luke do the same beside me.

Together we both stare at the unwanted seed, who is currently glaring at us.

After a minute passes and no one says a word, I scoff slightly and fold my arms across my chest before leaning back against my chair and watch Luke do the same.

I turn to glare at him and he just shrugs.

Fucking copycat

"Okay what the fuck is going on here," I turn to Cain. "What do you want?" I ask after my patience finally wanes.

He turns to look at me and I raise a brow, urging him to spill.

"What else would he be here for? He probably needs you to lend him some cash so he can go waste his own life on drugs... Right?"

I don't even need to answer Luke's crazy suggestion because duh, Cain is the CEO of a company -inherited- but CEO anyways. Therefore, he won't need to beg for money so he can waste his pathetic life.

Cain just rolls his eyes at Luke and clears his throat like he is about to do a heavy task.

I try to focus on him only and not on the silvery eyes that draw me in, forcing me to remember our latest encounter.

The one that happened in his home.

His room.

On the couch.

Oh the kitchen island.


The one that happened a month ago.

The one I should forget if I actually want my revenge on this fool.

"Are you gonna say something or should I call the police to put a restraining order on-"

"Be my date."

His words makes me freeze as my heart resumes its abnormally fast beat against my chest, my hands sweaty.

What the fuck is he saying now?

I wipe my hands against my palazzo, take in a deep breath and push it back out shakily.

Right at that moment, Luke is the last person on my mind, my workers who sneak looks at us are at the lastest part of my mind.

Be my date,

Silver eyes, beautiful kissable lips and overall arrogant sexy and egoistic billionaire Cain Michaels evade my mind and body.

Before I know it and have the opportunity to control it, hot liquid seeps out from my core and I tighten my legs together as I feel my breath hitch.

I look up at the culprit and his eyes tells me all I need to know, he knows of my predicament right now and if his darkened eyes does not prove that then, his smirk and sudden tense figure definitely does.

I don't know what he sees or reads on my face but I get infuriated when he leans back on his chair with a satisfied smirk on his face, this time copying my moves -folding his arms across his chest and raising an eyebrow- as he waits patiently for my answer.

I take a deep breath and stand on my feet abruptly, glaring daggers at him.

"Since you have nothing better to say than to waste my time, get out while I'm asking nicely." I say and this time I smirk satisfactorily when his eyes darken this time to mix up lust and anger on his face.

Ahh... Hot, angry billionaire.

He stands up on his feet too and in three quick strides, he walks round and over to me while I unconsciously take steps backwards but of course he catches unto me in no time, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me flush against his hard tense, muscled chest, looking down at me with almost black eyes.

"I don't know what or who made you this way Rya but do not forget... This is me, Cain Michaels, you can order everyone around but do not try ordering me or you might not like what would happen next... Got it?"

His dominant, stern voice has me, Rya Hanson, -sole owner of the best restaurant in the richest city of London - nodding yes rapidly, wanting to bend my knees right in front of him with my head down.

His hold on me tightens and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Good... I'm glad you remember you you're talking to."

And remember I did.

I remember our sexcapedes, our time together, how he took my virginity that night, how we -I- loved him.

I remember how he shattered my heart just a week after.

After he had seen everything there was to see, after he had spoilt me for other men.

He pounded my heart to pieces and left without looking back.

Not bothering to push him off or anything, I look up into his eyes.

"I remember who you are Cain, you're a lying, cheating, stupid motherfucker, the one I was foolish enough to trust and give myself to." I stop when I feel tears at the corner of my eyes and pull away, sniffing and ignoring his confused and hurt look.

"Get out Cain and don't make me ask the security to do that for me, you can as well find someone else that matches your stupid standards to take to the wherever." I mutter and without looking back, turn and Walk up the stairs, to my office.

As soon as I sit, Maya knocks and walks in holding an envelope.

I glare at her. "What's that now?" I ask and she sets it on the table before me.

"Its an invitation to the first successful alliance between both companies that came here three months ago ma'am, you have been invited as a special guest." She finishes and stop to wait for my order.

I sigh and rub my forehead soothingly as I faintly feel the headache coming back.

So this is what Cain wanted me to be his date for.

The son of a bitch.

I motion for Maya to leave and lay my head on my white table, hoping to find peace and rest there.

It's going to be a fucking long week, isn't it?



From here I think we are gonna have more of Cain and Rya special time, watchya think?

Also, who wants Rya and Blondie special time????

Gosh I need ship names for these people, it's so tiring writing it all don't you think???

Okay let's do this, I'll follow ten of my readers who provides cool ship names for them okay??

Send the shipnames to my DM, I'm boredddd.

Now I'll just get my ass off here and go meet my boyfriend who's been staring at me for hours. (Okay he isn't my boyfriend but when a hottie stares at you, what's a girl to do??? Ciao people!!)



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