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I start to wander whatever made me not notice the huge floor-ceiling window just in the living room of Cain's penthouse the minute I walk in.

Uhh... how bout y'all were busy fucking?

I sigh and tentatively approach it, a small smile making it's way to my lips seeing that the whole city is placed before me.

Like a dream come true.

I know I'm pathetic.

Like an hypnotized person, slowly, my hands reach up to touch the glass, feeling it's coldness on my finger tips.

I'm so engrossed in the view that for a second, my aching –very aching- pussy has been forgotten, I don't even feel Cain behind me till he speaks up, his voice husky as hell.

"Beautiful huh.."

I nod, unable to form a normal sentence partly for the view but, mostly for the chills I'm receiving from the sexy person behind me.

His hands softly land on my shoulder, eliciting shivers and my lips connect with my teeth.


I need to say something, anything!

"It is... beautiful."

You are beautifully dangerous.

"Just like the person who gave me the idea." His hands leave my shoulders to grip my hips and run them to my waist, squeezing softly.

I try to turn but, he keeps me in place, lean forward and his tongue darts out to taste the most sensitive part of my neck.

"Wh- what do you mean?" I gasp, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

I feel my back pulled flush against his front, his massive hardness sinfully poking me in the right places.

"A young naïve girl once told me..." his free hands finds it's way to my neck, holding protectively and softly tilting, he places a small, almost feathery kiss on that same part again. This time, I can't help but moan as he begins to suck on it, stopping at intervals to answer a question I have long forgotten I asked. "She wanted a house filled with glasses." A soft nibble makes me reach back, gripping his blue Armani suit, unconsciously rocking against him.

"She did?" I suddenly don't know my own teenage dream anymore.

Probably because you left it behind in your female alpha mode?

Shut the fuck up already.

He chuckles darkly, "She did."

Finally, he turns me to face him, his eyes clouded with dark lust but, I see a question behind that look.

Oh fuck, I don't know if I'm ready to answer his questions.

"If that was her dream, why hasn't she achieved it? She has the money to, so why?"

Fucking hell.

When I don't answer, his hands reach up to clasp my face, making me lock gazes with him and just like that, he is lost.

He stares right into me, his face, a mask of various emotions.

Confusion, sadness, anger, worry,..


"Cain." I whisper so soft its almost not audible but, he manages to hear me.

His gaze falls back on me, taking in my expressions.

Tempted AgainWhere stories live. Discover now