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it's new year but i didn't even bother wishing my readers a happy new year because i was so into the chapter i was writing!

HAPPY NEW YEAR CWAZIES! i wish y'all a really fun, cwazie, laughter-filled and... you know, good things filled year [sorry I suck at this, if it were me teasing and being crazy, ah it would have been excellent!]

that said, i really wanna hope none of y'all cwazies made that new year new me shit? we all know that stuff never last, now don't get me wrong, i'm not saying don't make plans, i'm only saying... make reasonable plan okay? last year i made a plan to stay away from chocolates and sweets and accept my veggies, with my current weight and stomach size and all the goodies still stacked in my den, i'm pleased to tell you that plan did not work.

fuck i need to rest after all this writing, y'all better get ready to pay me lol.

i know most readers are already wondering 'what the fuck is up with this bitch, can she shift this stupid talk and write the fucking story? if not for her story i'd prolly punch her in the fucking dick' well good news is... i don't own a dick!! hahaha very funny right?


How we got to his hous- mansion almost fifteen minutes away from the club is honestly a mystery.

The only thing I remember was sulking and wondering if I made a bad decision by letting this fucking male alpha drag me away to his house like a typical caveman.

He ignored me all through the drive home, clenching and unclenching his hands against the steering, not even turning back to look at me sitting at the back and sulking all by myself.

I even started to think he probably wanted to take me to his house, fuck me and kill me there.

Or I could just be an object of amusement still.

Even now, as I'm following him up the stairs to his front door, he still is ignoring me.

Honestly I just want to turn and walk away after I've probably given him a hot slap or two but, that's the problem now isn't it.

I'm not thinking, I'm not in my right senses and I probably don't learn, whoever the fuck said experience was the best teacher should hear my story and see me now because, the only thing in my brain is how I really need to cum tonight or else I'd go mad, as in, run into the streets naked, screaming bloody murder and begging any guy on the way to please fuck me kind of mad.

I'm even surprised when he finally opens the door, walk in and holds the door open for me, just watching me.

He probably thinks I could turn right now and run away-

Which is what a sane person should do but, I'm not sane anymore now am I?

So taking a slow deep breath, after just staring at him For ages, trying to gauge his expression but seeing nothing, I take the three almighty steps into his warm, large home and he closes the door, then surprising me by immediately yanking my arm to face him, growling in anger as his lips crashes its way to meet my needing ones.

I mewl in surprise at his swift moves as I willingly wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer with one hand and running the other through his hair and gripping tight, making him groan into my mouth and stick his fucking tongue into my mouth without permission while his hands finds it's way behind me and to my ass, squeezing hard.

I really wonder what his problem with my ass is but, I don't get to voice it out loud because well, that small action of his opened up my tap again and my liquids have started their journey down to my legs again.

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