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Did anybody see that cover?? Sharon bright made it lol
Its... I don't know what it is lol

I grip the counter of the unknown restaurant, tapping my foot against the tiles restlessly, biting my lips to prevent myself from lashing out at the stupid white head chewing her gum in a disgusting way and making my order oh so slowly.

Apparently I'd regretted stepping out of Cain's home when I did because duh I could have just stayed for coffee before storming out and now I'm a walking dead with a bad temper waiting for my prey to make my coffee before I eat her up instead.

"Here's your order, next!" She said in an annoying way and deeming it stupid to pick a fight with her, I grab my black coffee from her and storm away.

Only, I did not storm away because my precious life awakener, beautiful black coloured love in a cup, lovely hot thing of mine splashes against someone due to my haste.


Murder is the only thing on my mind right now and with that, I jerk my head up to glare at the man who grimaced in pain at the hot coffee spilled all over his white shirt.

I stop in surprise and then anger.

Of fucking course.


Why is he always here?? Near me?? Is he stalking me?

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you blind?" I yell and everyone in the shop turns to stare/glare at me because I'm obviously the one to blame yet I'm the one shouting but I don't care, I need someone to lash out against and Blondie has fallen prey.

I take a step closer and push him against his chest, only he grabs my hands and yank me against his shirt, his eyes twinkling.

I grit my teeth in anger not seeing the side of him that was painful and playful at the same time.

"Don't you think you should be apologising right now ice?" He asks calmly, his thumb soothing my palm and I wiggle uncomfortably in his arms, suddenly conscious of how huge he is and how all eyes are on us.

"Why the hell should I? You bumped into me and poured my coffee on you shirt-"

My speech is cut short when he suddenly tips his head lower till we are both are at eye level and I don't have to look up at him.

My breath catches in my throat at the suddenness.

"Your hot coffee ice, your coffee was fucking hot and you spilled over me and still yell at me."

I won't lie I suddenly feel remorseful because he isn't even talking like he is angry, he is talking like he understands me and why I'm ranting even though he is the one hurting.

I hate that.

Not wanting to elongate matters, wanting to go to my office and wallow in self pity, I shrug "My bad." I say staring up straight at him, mentally daring him to say something about me saying sorry.

Happily he gets the message and chuckles, a hand coming up to stroke my cheeks.

My hands fold so tight I think I feel blood and my eyes goes wide.

"You owe me ice, I can't go to work like this now, what will you do?" He asks and I clear my throat, move out of his hold, then fold my hands once I'm out of the trance.

"I don't care about that, you do whatever you want with the shirt." I say and turn to go but he blocks my way.

"What!!" I glare up at him.

"Take me shopping ice, I want to go shopping with you."

"What?!" I run my hands through my hair and sigh before pushing  him a foot away from me before walking away.

Then I stop and turn to him.

"What are you doing standing there??" I ask and his brows furrow in confusion.


"Follow me dummy." I roll my eyes and walk away this time with a small smile on my face when I hear his footsteps behind mine.


Will it suffice to say I am currently capable of murder?
As in, bad bad psychotic murder?
The type where you slice every inch of your prey's body and feed it to him as he slowly dies?? Then burn his body afterwards, then flush his ash in my toilet?? Then burn the fucking toilet along with it?

We have been parading around the mall for hours now and this stupid guy is yet to get one single shirt to replace the stained one!!!!!

Who fucking does that?!!

I grit my teeth for the umpteenth time, squeezing the magazine in my hands when he walks out of the dressing room in a flowery printed shirt, smirking at me.

"What do you think of this one?" He asks the question he knows I detest.

The shirt looked stupidly ridiculous!

I don't bother answering him, I just stand up and turn to exit the mall.

"Don't you feel guilty??" He yells after me and I stop in my tracks, taking deep breaths in and out.

"You spilled hot coffee on me and won't even replace my ruined shirt?"

I close my eyes and turn back to him, anger overflowing.

I walk up to him and grab his arms muttering something in the likes of stupid idiot/fool as I drag him to the counter.

I drop a bundle of money on it and glare at the girl who rose her eyebrows questionably at me-us.

"We are taking this." I mutter and proceed to drag him out of the store, ignoring his shouts, telling me the shirt wasn't nice.

"Shut the fuck up!! If you knew it was stupid why did you even wear it?" I yell and drag him outside before walking to my car.



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