Chapter 4

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By the way, Drew is Maddie's older cousin and they're really close.  Maddie's parents arent really in the picture... You'll find out soon! (:



Chapter 4

 “Now here's a little story I got to tell About three bad brothers you know so well It started way back in history With Ad Rock, MCA, and me, Mike D!” I sing along loudly to Paul Revere by the Beastie Boys on the radio. This song brings back so many memories. Everyone is looking at me like I’m a freak. I don’t mind though, I know I am. Hehe

We just got done eating and now we’re heading back to the studio. Harry and Caitlyn have been talking the whole car ride, I think harry has a crush on her. Louis and Zayn are playing a game where they try to slap each other’s hands or something like that, it looks painful. Liam and Niall sit next to me asking me tons of questions while everyone listens while they’re doing their own thing.

“When was your last kiss?” Was Liam’s first question. I giggle.

“Uhhh…I think it was sophomore year?” I question myself. I honestly don’t remember. All I know is that it was a long time ago. Forever Alone.

“Yeah it was! I remember! It was Sam Bigley! You had a crush on him since the seventh grade!” Caitlyn pipes in. “Sucks that right after he kissed you, he told you he was gay.” She starts to crack up. Everyone else joins her. I feel my face redden. She did not just tell them that.

“Let’s not talk about that. It gets me depressed.” I say with all seriousness but then I start laughing like an idiot a few seconds after.

“Man that sucks.” Niall manages to say through his laughter.

“Whatever! Next question!” I stop laughing and rub my hands together, preparing myself.

“Em, what’s your most embarrassing moment?” Niall asks. I think about it for a moment before I finally answer.

“Okay, so I was in my algebra class, I was in the 9th grade I think, anyway I was texting Caitlyn really bad stuff…” I pause. They all look at me with a raised eyebrow “Not that kind of bad, I mean cussing and stupid crap. So just a normal conversation between Caitlyn and I. Then I guess my teacher saw me texting and he made me get up and stand in the front of the class room to read the texts out loud. I was the most embarrassing thing ever.” I start to laugh. Caitlyn face palms herself. She thinks I’m a huge fail!

“Next!” I continue. I lick my lips. I see Niall in the corner of my eye bite his lip.

“Oh, I know! Out of all of us, the boys I mean, who would you kiss?” Louis asks with a huge grin on his face. He winks at me.

“I’m not answering that!” I reply. “It would make thinks awkward.” I look down at my shoes.

“It’s me. I know it. She finds me unbelievably sexy.” Zayn says. “Women find me amazingly attractive.”He puts his hands behind head and winks at me. I giggle and roll my eyes.

“I’m gonna pass on that one. One more question, ‘cause we’re almost back to the studio.” I rub my face with my hands and yawn. I’m so tired, and it’s only two in the afternoon.

“Alright, em, are you datin’ anyone?”Niall asks in shy voice. He looks into my eyes and smiles.

“Nope.” I say while popping the ‘P’ “I’m forever alone.” I grin and turn to Caitlyn who has wide eyes. She knows that I always had a soft spot for Niall. He’s so silly and cute I just want to hold him in my arms for the rest of my life!  I see Niall nodding his head, pleased with my answer. I purse my lips and take out my phone to go on Twitter. I have 1,902 notifications. I read a couple of them.

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