Chapter 14

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Authors Note:

Sorry for the late update! I’ve been very, very busy!  ENJOY CHAPTER 14 YOU GUYSSS!!! C:

(The song for this chapter is Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey I LOVE HER!)


Chapter 14

Niall’s P.O.V.

So many thought race through my mind as Harry tells me the story about Maddie. After he stops talking he stares intently at me waiting for a response. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I look away from him and look out to the lake that is across from the spot we sit on the benches.

“Niall?” Harry questions. He puts a hand on my shoulder and turns me toward him. “You alright mate?”

“I don’t know.” I sighed. I bury my head in my hands and close my eyes. After a moment I lift my head up to him. “How is she?” He frowns and turns toward the lake, not meeting my eyes.

“I don’t know, Niall. She was pretty upset.”

“Did she say anything else I should know?”

“Uh…” He thinks for a moment and turns to me. “Not that I could remember, no.” I nod and take my phone out of my sweater pocket. I have 2 missed calls. One from Zayn and one from Caitlyn, Not one from Maddie.

“Do you know where she might be?” I ask sliding my phone back into the pocket. Harry shrugs.

“I don’t, sorry mate. I could call Caitlyn and ask her.” I nod vigorously as he taps onto his phone, dialing Caitlyn’s number. She picks up after a few rings.

“Hey Babe. How are you doing...? Yeah? I miss you too baby.”He smiles and bites his lip. I roll my eyes and tap him on the shoulder, getting his attention. “Oh, right! Caitlyn? Do you know where Maddie might be?” He’s silent for a moment listening contently to what Caitlyn is saying. “Okay. Thank you, love. I’ll see you later. Okay. I love you. Bye Caitlyn.” He hangs up and shoves his phone into his back pocket and stands up. “She’s at Debenhams, shopping for clothes.”

I spring out of the bench seat and sprint toward my car calling to Harry a ‘Thank you!’ I start my car and quickly pull onto the busy London streets.

Maddie’s P.O.V.

“Nope. Nope. Oh, well that’s…Nope.” I flick through the many clothes hanging up on racks debating whether or not it’s for me. I try hard not to think about Niall but it’s hard. A tear slides down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away refusing to shed another tear over him. I go back to looking at clothes. I see a black tank top with a wolf howling at the moon on it. I smile and take it off the hanger. This is actually really cute. I examine it for a moment before something at the front of the store catches my eye. A boy with blonde messy hair in a grey sweater and sunglasses stands by the doors scanning the room. Niall. Shit. I dive on the floor and quietly crawl toward the dressing rooms. 

“Oh my god! Is that Maddie Florez?!” A blonde British girl squealed, running toward ne with another girl with dark skin and brown hair. I sigh and stand up.

“Yep! That’s me.” I fake smile and return their hugs given to me. “How are you girls?”

“Oh, my god! Amazing! I love you so much and your music! Oh my god I can’t believe I’m talking to Madison Florez!!!” The girls jump up and down holding each other, trying hard to contain their excitement.

“Can we take a picture with you?” The brown haired girl asks with her phone in her hand.

“I’ll take it for you.” A deep Irish voice pipes in.

My body stiffens. I look behind me. Niall stands with his head tilted and his sunglasses still on. The girls don’t seem to realize that that’ Niall Horan from One Direction because they hand him their phone and pose next to me. I smile for the camera. Niall hands the phone back to the girls once he’s done and they thank him and I. They give me a hug and run out of the store, cheering and laughing.

I don’t look at Niall. I continue to flick through clothes, not even looking at him but quickly moving away. He follows me though. He sees the wolf shirt in my hand and pulls it out of my grasp, holding it up.

“This is a really cool shirt, Maddie.” I turn to him a put my hands on my hips. He can tell I’m still pissed at him because he frowns and lowers the shirt. “Can we talk?”

“Nope.” I snatch the shirt out of his hands and walk away. He catches me by the arm and spins me around.


“STOP. Do not touch me. I swear to God, I will smack you.” I warn. He puts his hand to his head in frustration.

“Harry told me.” He blurts out when I start to walk away. I look back to him, confused. “About your mother.” My heart stops.

“I don’t know-”

“I know what she did to you Maddie.” He cuts me off and moves closer to me. My mouth opens but nothing comes out. How does Harry know? Caitlyn. Damn her.

“You don’t know shit.” I hiss, dropping the tank top on the ground and walking toward the door.

“Maddie!” Niall calls after me but I keep walking. I hear running footsteps trail behind me. “Then tell me! Tell me what how you feel. Don’t bottle it up because one day you will lose it!”

“Its. Not. That. Easy.” I say while hitting him on his chest with my fist. He doesn’t flinch. I try to hit him harder but he grabs my hands and pulls me toward him. He presses his lips against mine trying to calm me down. I try to pull away but I finally give him when he traces his tongue across my bottom lip. A small moan escapes my lips. He cups his hands around my face trying to close any space we have between us. His fingers play with the hair on the back of my neck as he kisses me over and over again. I pulls away realizing I should still be mad at him.

“Stop. I can’t.” I step away, recovering from his kiss. He licks his lips and runs his fingers through his blonde hair.  He sighs.

“I know. I just… I don’t know. I wish everything can go back to normal with us.” His eyes plead.

“You know darn well it’s not that easy.”

“I know.”

“Okay.”  I whisper and focus on my black boots.


“Niall?” I smile weakly up at him.

“What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know Niall.”

We stand there in silence just studying each other. It’s not an awkward kind of silence, it’s a comfortable silence, in which both of us stand there, thinking about what’s going to happen next with us.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you too Niall.”


Authors Note:

Why hello! Thank you so much for reading! YOU ARE AMAZING or AMAZAYN ahaha get it because you know- ANYWAY thanks again! <3 ya!


-Madiemoo c:

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