chapter 1

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Y/n POV:

I was on the school bus going to my first day of grade 11. I was so nervous. What if my hair looks gross? What if my makeup didn't look right? I thought to myself. The bus was just arriving at the school. I grabbed my backpack and walked into the isle. I stepped down the stairs and hopped of the bus. Not paying attention to where i was going, i smashed into somebody. "Oh my god im so sorry!" I said. I looked up and realised it was my crush braden. "Its fine. It was my fault." He said as he grabbed my hand pulling me up off the ground. "No really, it was my fault! I wasn't paying atte- He cut me off . "I'll see you later". He said. He walked around me and ran over to his friends.

His friends were bullies. Last year they put a water balloon in my shoe. It splased all over me! I was so mad. But braden never really helped them with many pranks. He was always just the innocent one. Thats what i like about braden. Hes really nice compared to all his friends. I walked into the yard and met up with my friends at a bench. I had 3 other friends. Elijah, Ethan, and hazle. "Hey what's up y/n!" Elijah shouted as he saw me coming. "Hey!" I said to them. "What happened back there?" Ethan said. "Nothing..." I said embarrassed. "Cmon y/n we saw you bump into braden!" Hazle said. I blushed. Hazle was the only one i told about my crush on braden. "Oooh do you like him?" Elijah teased. Ethan and Elijah were giggling. "No!" I said. The bell rang. "Oh we gotta go!" Hazle said. "See you guys later!" I shouted to Elijah and Ethan. We walked away from them. "So y/n what's your first class?" Hazle asked. "Uhh... history." I said looking at my schedule. "Dang it i have chemistry!" She whined. We walked inside and had to separate when hazle found her first class. I said bye and kept walking. Then i saw bradens friends, andy, steve, and daniel walk up to me.

"Hey y/n!" Daniel said. "Hey danny..." I said in a nervous voice. "Whats with you bumping into braden this morning dude?" Andy asked. "Whats with you-" "Dont even try roasting us." Steve interrupted. "Your only gonna embarrass yourself." Steve said quietly. I walked away. I couldn't stand them. They were such bullies! And why does it take me so long to come up with a roast!? I dont get it! I walked into class and searched for a seat. I saw Elijah in the corner pointing to the empty seat next to him. I walked over to the seat he was pointing to. "Hey lije!" I said. "Hey y/n!" He said. I looked to my left and the person in the seat next to me was a new kid. "Whos the new kid?" I whispered to Elijah. "His name's denis kopotun." He whispered back. "Oh..." i whispered. I thought i recognized him at first but now i know I've met him before. He was my best friend in kindergarten. But after a year going to my school his parents made him move. I cried for so long that day. "Hey." I said. "Oh hey..." He said back in a shy voice.

Elijahs POV:

I saw the teacher walk in. He was carrying a binder and a bag. "Hello class! My name is Mr. Johnson. (20 minutes later)

Class was over and me and y/n were talking in the hall. The bell rang and me and y/n separated.

Y/n POV:

As i was heading to my next class i decided to check my makeup just in case. I walked into the bathroom and saw a girl named cayla. She was elijahs ex. They dated for 2 months but apparently cayla cheated on him. I never really liked her since then. "Oh hey y/n!" She says. "Hey Cayla..." I said. "What are you doing here?"
She said in a voice that she would use if she was talking to a child. "Im just fixing my makeup. What are you doing here?" I said. "I was supposed to meet a friend in here but i saw you instead." She said in a rude voice. "Oh really!" I said. "Ya i was gonna meet amie in here to have a chat." She said. Amie is cayla's friend. Amie is actually really nice. Shes nothing like cayla. "Ok well im done talking to you so im gonna go. Bye!" I said zipping up my makeup bag. "Ugh..." Cayla said.

Authors note:
Hi! Thanks for reading the first chapter! No hate on cayla btw i just thought i would put her in the story. And i promise i will get into the choose your path stuff later in the story

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