15 Ethans side

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"Well... what if it was a mistake? I mean Cayla being the devil she is could have kissed him..." I said scared to hear Elijahs response.
"Are you serious y/n!? I mean i know Cayla is rude and all but they still kissed! And its not like Ethan backed away or even tried to!" Elijah shouted.
"Look im just saying! Maybe Ethan didn't want to kiss her!" I shouted.
"Just stop y/n ok!? If your going to defend him when clearly hes guilty then just go ok?" Elijah said.
"Elijah its my house! If your gonna be like that then you leave! Y/n can stay!" Denis yelled. "Fine!" Elijah said.
He walked out.
"Thank you Denis..." I whispered.
"No problem!" He whispered back.

Then we heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
It was Amie.
"Oh no..." I whispered.
"Whats going on?" Amie asked.
"Nothing babe. Were all good..." Ethan said.
"Actually Ethan just kissed me!" Cayla said.
Amie gasped. "Ethan?" Amie said.
"Im sorry but Amie she kissed me!" Ethan said.
"Ethan you promised this would never happen! You said no one would ever replace me! Were done!" Amie said crying.
My jaw dropped. Amie ran out and Ethan went after her.
"Oh my god..." I said.

Skip to chapter 17 to continue

Authors note:
Oh my god! I feel so bad! I have not posted in like 9 days! Im really sorry but i will try to keep publishing as often as possible!

Question of the day
Were you alone for valentines?
I was XD

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