chapter 5

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Y/n's POV:

After i got in bradens car i watched Elijah wave at me as i drove away. When we got to the party i noticed how big cayla's house was.

 When we got to the party i noticed how big cayla's house was

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BBraden got out of the car as i got my purse from beside me. He opened the car door for me and i got out. "Wow! This place is huge!" I said. "Ya it is!" Braden said. We walked inside and i immediately noticed hazle. Hazle was standing near the snacks table with some dude. We walk up to her and greet her. "Hey hazle! Whos this?" I shout over the loud music. "This is my friend Alex." She shouts. "Nice to meet you alex!" I say. "Nice to meet you too!" He says swiping his hair out of his face.
10 minutes later...
Braden, Alex, Hazle, and i were sitting on cayla's couch just chatting about school. I decided i would go get a drink so i walked up to the drink table.
"Hey y/n!" Cayla shouted over the music. "What do you want Cayla?" I say annoyed. "Hold on, i invite you to my party and you show up and treat me like crap!" She exclaimed. "Deal with it!" I say as i walk away. I see her make an angry face as i walk away. A few minutes later i was talking to braden alone. "So are you and Cayla friends?" He asked. "Not really." I tell him. "Why?" He asked. "She was dating Elijah last year for 8 month's. We were great friends up until the end of the year..." I said. "What happened then?" He asked. "She cheated on him... He was heartbroken for a month. It broke my heart to see one of my best friends like that." I said. "You seem like a really good person..." He said smiling. I noticed he was getting closer and so was I. We were about an inch apart but then i feel water splash all over me. I look at my dress, then i look around me. Everyone was laughing. Then there was cayla right in front of me holding an empty solo cup. I could feel tears building up. I stood up, pushed my way through the crowd, and ran to the door. But as i got out the door i saw Elijah. "Woah woah woah what happened!?" He asked stopping me. "Nothing!" I shouted in an angry voice. "Y/n please... just talk to me." He said. "Leave me alone!" I yelled. Elijah grabbed my hand stopping me. He turned me around and next thing i know he's kissing me.

I dont know what to do after that. So i push away and run home. It took me ten minutes to get home. When i did get home i got on my pj's and went to bed.

On monday morning my mom tells me she wants to talk after school. After school she told me we were moving to kelowna in British Columbia. For some reason i was fine with it. I didn't argue or fuss about it. She already found a house and we were moving next month. The next month i drove to all my friends houses to say bye. Except for Elijah's house. I said bye to Ethan at school but not Elijah. After that we went to the airport, got on the plane, and i fall asleep. Next thing i know im in kelowna.

Authors note:
Sorry this chapter was so short. I hope you enjoyed it so far. This is not the end.

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