chapter 11

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Y/ns POV

After texting with Braden, i got a text from Elijah.

E: hey y/n

You: hi

E: can i ask you something?

You: ya go for it

E: did we go to school together?

I didn't know what to say, because i didn't remember him. So i decide to respond with:

You: idk why do you ask

(Elijah has sent a photo)

I looked at the photo for what seemed like hours. I suddenly remembered. I felt like i was gonna cry, because it was a picture of Hazle, Ethan, Elijah, and I, on a camping trip. I remember we were gathered around the fire playing truth or dare. We had so much fun that night.

You: oh...

E: is that you...?

You: ya it is.

I turn off my phone. I almost forgot about Elijah and that one night too.
I went to bed early. I didnt wanna be tired tomorrow. We were gonna do a really fun challenge. It was the "Whats in the box challenge". I had really cool and weird things picked out and couldn't wait to see their reactions. But they said they had a suprise guest joining us so i was also nervous but excited to see who it was.

The next morning i woke up. I got out of my bed, headed to the kitchen, and poured myself a cup of coffee. Then i got a text from Denis. It said:

Can you be over at my place by around 12ish? Like i said someone is coming to collab with us so we wanna introduce her.

So i responded with:

Alright sounds good to me:)

After i finished my coffee, i ran upstairs to get dressed.
I got dressed into an outfit and brushed my teeth then i ran out to my car.
When i get to Denis' house, i see another car there.
"Hm must belong to the guest." I say to myself.
I go up and knock on the door.
Denis answers the door with i huge smile on his face.
We both say hello and i say hi to everyone else. Then i look on the couch and sitting there is someone i never thought I'd have to see again.

Authors note

Thanks for reading. I hope your enjoying the story so far.
Question of the day: who do you think is the "special guest"?

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