14 Elijahs side

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"Ethan, it may have been a mistake but thats Elijahs ex!" I said.
"Im sorry ok!" Ethan said.
Then footsteps come up the stairs. It was Amie.
"Hey whats wrong?" Amie says.
"Ethan was kissing Cayla..." Elijah said.
"Really...?" Amie asked starting to cry.
"Look Amie im so sorry!" Ethan said.
"Ethan how could you!?" Amie shouted.
"I didn't mean to kiss her!" Ethan shouted back.
"It doesn't matter if you meant to! You still did it!" Amie said.
"I know and im sorry! Ok?" Ethan said now starting to cry too.
"Ethan, im sorry but i don't think i can forgive you..." Amie said.
"Amie please! I love you and i promise it won't happen again!" Ethan said crying.
"Im sorry Ethan but... were done. I don't think i can trust you anymore." Amie said.
"Amie please! I need you in my life! I love you!" Ethan shouted.
Amie ran out the door crying.
He ran out the door. Everybody stood there not saying a word.
"Cayla, i think you should leave..." Elijah said.
"Fine..." She said.
She walked out the door and left.
For the next couple days after that Elijah stayed at my house so he didn't have to see Ethan. Me and Elijah were sitting in my living room watching a movie.
"Hey y/n..." Elijah said.
"Ya?" I said.
"Im sorry about what i did." Elijah said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"After Caylas party..." He said.
"Oh yeah..." I said quietly.
"What happened that made you leave?" He asked.
"Well remember that guy Braden from highschool?" I asked.
"Braden... welsh...?" Elijah said.
"Ya well, he was about to kiss me but Cayla spilled a drink on me and-"
"Wait Braden welsh is Corls name..." Elijah mentioned.
"Oh my god it is..." I said.
"Didn't you have a crush on Braden?" Elijah teased.
"Maybe..."  I said.
"Ooooooohhh" Elijah said.
"Ok ok you can stop now." I said giggling.
"Well anyways im sorry for what i did. I made it really awkward between us." Elijah said. "Its ok Lije." I said.
"And also thanks for telling me when Ethan was kissing Cayla." He mentioned.
"No problem." I smiled.
Then Elijah kissed me for what seemed like minutes.
Then i backed away.

Your Choice:

A) run upstairs

B) kiss him again

C) reject him

A=pg1 in chapter 16

B=pg2 in chapter 16

C=pg3 in chapter 16

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