chapter 12

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Y/ns POV

Sitting there on the couch was Cayla. The girl who spilled a drink on me at that party.  She was half the reason i moved, and there she was, about to do a collab with me.
"Who's this?" I asked pretending not to know.
"Y/n this is Cayla. Cayla this is Y/n." Denis said.
"Hey Cayla. Nice to meet you." I said.
"Nice to meet you too Y/n!" She said

We all talked and got to know each other for a bit, until it was time to start recording. We got out four boxes, each with two holes in them. Since there were only seven people, Denis said he was inviting another person so we could all partner up.
Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. "Ill get it!" I said. I opened the door, and Ethan was there. "Hi! Im Ethan! Im here for the collab." He said. Elijah came to the door and said, "Ethan this is Y/n, from highschool."
"Oh hey Y/n! How have you been?" He said.
"Good. Its nice to see you again!" I said.
"Same." He said smiling.

We thought we would pick partners first so we don'thave to worry about it later in the video. "Hey Dingo! Wanna partner up?" Braden asked.
"Sure." Denis said. "Hey Alex! Wanna be my partner?" Sub said. "Ok sounds good to me." Alex replied.
Who do you want to partner up with?

A) Elijah           +extra time with him

B) Cayla           +give her freaky items

If you chose A(Elijah) go to paragraph 1

If you chose B(Cayla) go to paragraph 2

Pg 1

"Hey Lije, wanna be my partner?" I asked. "Ya sure!"
"So im with Cayla?" Ethan asked.
"Yup." Elijah said.
"Guess your stuck with me." Cayla said.
"Ok." Ethan said.
We all sat down infront of our boxes and got ready to record.
"You guys ready?" Denis asked us. We all said yes and started recording.

  "Hey guys! Welcome back to the channel!" Denis said. "Today we will be doing the whats in the box challenge!" Braden announced.
"We also have someone joining us today!" Alex said.
"Yeah, today we have, my brother Ethan, and our new friend Cayla joining us." Elijah said. "We all partnered up. So im with Corl, Alex is with Sub, Ethan and Cayla are together, and Y/n is with Sketch." Denis said. "Lets just get straight into the videooooo!" Elijah shouted. We paused the video so we could get our first items in. Elijah was gonna guess my item first.

My sister let me borrow her bearded dragon named, Jayla, for todays video.
I carefully took her out of the cage, and moved her to the box. "Ok im ready." I said. Everyone was ready as well and we started recording again.
"Ok guys so we have our items in the boxes and Elijah is gonna guess first." Denis announced. "Ok Lije. Go ahead!" I said.
He nervously stuck his hands in the box. He touched it and moved his hand away immediately. "WOAH WOAH WOAH! WHAT WAS THAT!" He shouted after touching it. He reaches his hand in again and rubs his finger on his back slowly. All of a sudden it moved and Elijah screamed. "OH MY GOD IT MOVED!" He shouted. "Its alive! I swear!" He said. "But what is it?" I said. I giggled in an evil way. He touched it again. Then it moved once more. This time Elijah only jumped a bit. "Is it FRANK!" He shouted. I laughed. I looked at Cayla. She was giggling too. "Nope! Guess again." I said. "Is it a lizard...?" He said touching it more. "Kind of. You basically got it." I said. "Can i hold it?" Elijah asked. "Ya just be careful." I said. He held it for a few minutes off camera then it was everyone elses turn. After everyone else went, it was Elijahs turn to put something in the box. They stopped recording and Elijah put on your blindfold. I heard his footsteps going into the pantry, where he hid his items. I heard more footsteps coming back, then the sound of him putting something in the box. "Ok its inside now." He said. I take off my blindfold and see Ethan bringing a tarantula to Cayla's box. I raised my eyebrows. "This is gonna be good." I whispered to Elijah who was also looking at the tarantula. He giggled. "Ya." He whispered back.
We both laughed. Ethan came over to us with the tarantula before putting it in the box. "Wanna touch it guys?" Ethan whispered. "No thank you." I said backing away. Ethan giggled. "Alright, suit yourselves." He whispered.
Ethan walked slowly to the box and put the tarantula inside.
Cayla giggled. "I wanna know what it is so bad!" She said.
"Oh you don't wanna know..." Ethan mumbled.
"What did you say Ethan?" Cayla asked.
"Oh nothing..." He said.
Then i see Denis walking over to Braden's box with a snake.
My jaw dropped.
Denis smiles at me. He looks down at the snake, and giggles.
"You gonna make Braden touch that?" I whispered.
"I mean, there's no turning back now." He whispered and smiled.
I giggled then looked over to Sub, who was carefully placing a broken peice of Styrofoam in the box.
I looked at him confused. A few minutes later, we were ready to start recording again.

"Ok guys round 2!" Denis said. We finished recording a little while later.
In the kitchen, Cayla was flirting with Ethan.
"Ugh seriously Cayla..." I said to myself.

A few hours later, everyone was scattered around the house. I decided i would go up to Alexs old room to kind of just chill out.

Pg 2

"Hey Cayla, wanna partner up?" I asked. "Sure." She said.
"Ethan, this means were partners." Elijah said.
"Cool." Ethan said.
"Ok lets put the first items in." Denis said.
"Can i go first?" Cayla asked.
"Sure." I said.
I put on my blindfold and waited for Cayla to say i could look.
"Ok you can look now." She said.
I took off my blindfold and saw Elijah looking into the box with a suprised look on his face. "What?" I said.
"Nothing. Its fine..." Elijah said.
"Ok. If you say so..." I said.
"Lets start recording." Denis said.
We all agreed and started recording.

"Hey guys welcome back to the channel! Today we are doing the whats in the box challenge with Cayla & Ethan!" Denis announced.
"Hi guys!" They both said.
Denis explained how we would do the video, then it was time to feel what was in the box. "Ok ready guys? 3...2...1...GO!" Braden said.
I stuck my hand in the box trying to find the item. "I can't find mine." I said.
"Me neither..." Denis said. Then Elijah screamed.
"OK WHAT WAS THAT?!" Elijah shouted.
I was so confused as everyone found their item. All of a sudden, I feel something skinny, and hairy, crawling onto my hand.
She started laughing as I freaked out. Then i felt it crawling farther up my arm until it crawled through the arm hole of the box. I looked at my arm, and there was a giant tarantula just chilling, on my arm. I screamed. "OH MY GOD CAYLA! GET IT OFF!" I shouted. "Ok! Ok! Geez..." Cayla said walking over to me.
She slowly let it crawl onto her hand and she put it back in the cage.
"You ok y/nn(your nickname)?" Elijah said.
"Yeah... i think im fine." I said.
Everyone figured out what was in the box and then it was finally my turn to get back at Cayla. Cayla said she was gonna go hang out in Alexs old room while i put my item in. One thing i know about Cayla, is that she hates bald animals. Luckly, Braden has two half-bald cats and he brought them to Denis' house anyway.
"Hey Braden?" I said.
"Ya y/n?" Braden said.
"Could i borrow Lou or popoki for Caylas box?"
"Yeah sure! Their both up in Denis' office." Braden said.
"Alright. Thanks Cronk!" I said as i ran upstairs.
When i went upstairs, i looked in Denis' office, but neither of the cats were there.
I decided i would look in Alexs old room.

Authors note
Thanks for reading. This might be my longest chapter yet and i might do more really long chapters.
Question of the day:
If you could collab with any youtuber in the world, who would it be?

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