chapter 2

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Y/n POV: (y/fb = your favorite band)

Thank god im finally home. I was so tired all day. I never get any sleep the night before my first day. I took off my shoes and hung up my backpack. "Hey mom im home!" I yelled. "Hey y/n! How was it?" My mom said. "It wasn't the best." I told my mom. "Awww what went wrong?" She asked. "Mom it was my first day of grade 11. Its not gonna be perfect!" I said. Theres no way i was telling her about the whole braden thing today. I headed to my room. I wish i could redo today. I didn't go well at all. I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" I yelled. I ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey y/n!" Hazle said. "Hey hazle come in!" My mom said. She walked in and took off her shoes. "You want anything hazle?" My mom asked. "No im good but thank you for asking. We went to my room and sat on my bed. "What do you want to do?" I asked. "Well i brought a copy of that new movie you've been dying to see!" She said. "Can we watch it?" I asked. "That's why i brought it silly!" She said. Hazle's dad owned a shop where you can rent out movie's so she always got to see the new ones before anyone else.(30 minutes later...)

Elijahs POV:

Me and Ethan were walking to y/n's house. Today she asked us if we could hang out with her later after school and that all four of us would be there. We walked up the steps to her porch. Ethan rang the doorbell. "Hello boys! What are you doing here?" Y/n's mom said. "Were here to see y/n. Is she home?" Ethan said. "Yeah shes in her room." She told us. "Ok thanks miss y/ln!" We both said. We took off our shoes and headed to y/n's room. We knocked on the door. Nobody answered so we decided to just walk in. When we came into y/n's room she and hazle were dancing and singing to a girly pop song coming from her t.v. "What are you guys doing?" Ethan said confused. The girls immediately stopped dancing. Their faces were completely red. "Uhh w-we were watching a movie..." hazle replied.

Y/n POV:

Me and hazle were dancing to our favorite song when Ethan and Elijah walked in on us. Oh crap! This is so embarrassing! I forgot we had plans tonight. "What are you guys doing?" Ethan asked. "Uhh w-we were watching a movie..." hazle replied. "So do you guys wanna go to the mall or something? Elijah asked. "Yeah sure..." i said embarrassed. Hazle and i fixed our hair and makeup and headed to the mall with the guys.

When we got there everybody was suggesting to go a different place
And its your choice to make the final decision. Where do you want to go?

(A) starbucks

(B) the video game store

(C) the book store

If you chose A go to paragraph 1

If you chose B go to paragraph 2

If you chose C go to paragraph 3

Paragraph 1
Ethans POV:

We decide to go to starbucks first. We walk up to the counter and the lady asks what we want to order. Y/n orders first. "Can i have a vanilla latte please?" She asks. "One vanilla latte..." She says writing down y/n's order. "Can i have a pumpkin spice latte?" Hazle says. "Ok anything else?" She says. "Yeah can i have a frappuccino?" I say. "And can i have a frappuccino as well?" Elijah says. Elijah always orders the same thing as me just to bother me."Ok your order will be ready in a little bit." The lady at the counter says. We walk over to the closest table for four and we all sit down. "So where do you guys wanna go after we finish here?" Y/n asks us. "Lets go to the video game store! They have a new game there and i hear its super cool!" Elijah suggested. "Who ordered the two frappuccino's, the pumpkin spice latte, and the vanilla latte?" Said the lady at the counter. "Oh that was us!" Y/n shouts. She goes up to the counter, gets our drinks, and brings them to our table. "Here you go." Y/n says as she hands us our drinks. (10 minutes later). "Ok lets go to the video game store now!" Elijah says. We all agree and start heading to the store. When we get to the store Elijah immediately runs to the game. "Yes here it is!!!" He shouts. "Ok just pay for it and well be done." Y/n says. "Ok." Elijah says. He walks up to the counter and pays for the game. We all decide to go back to y/n's to test Elijahs new game.

(To continue this part of the story go to paragraph 1 in chapter 3)

Paragraph 2
Y/n's POV:

We decide to go to the video game store. Elijah says there is a new game he really wanted to buy. We head over to the store. "Ok Lije just go find your game and pay for it. Im gonna be on that bench over there if you need me." I say. "Me too." Hazle says following me. "Ya same." Ethan says walking over to the bench. As i was scrolling through my instagram, i saw my favorite band was on tour in the town i live in. "Oh my god Hazle look!!!" I said showing Hazle the post. "Oh my god!!! Y/fb is coming to town!!!" She shouted. I saw Elijah come over to us. "Elijah y/fb is coming to town!" Hazle says. "No their not. Theres no way your telling the truth." Elijah said. I showed him the post. "Believe me now!?" I said. "Dude we gotta get tickets!" Elijah said. We decided to head home early so we could order the tickets. We all get in Ethan's car and head back to my place.

(To continue this part of the story go to paragraph 1 in chapter 3)

Paragraph 3
Hazle's POV:

We decide to go to the book store. Theres this new book i really wanted to get. Y/n wanted to get one too so we can read the same book at the same time. Elijah and Ethan stayed on a bench outside to store. They didn't like books that much. They only read books when they had to. Y/n and i bought the books and left the shop.

Y/n's POV:

After we bought our books hazle and i walked over to the guys. All of a sudden hazle taps me on the shoulder and points to braden. He was walking over to us. I fixed my hair and pretended i didnt see him. "Hey guys!" Braden says to us. "Hey braden! We all say. "Hey y/n i was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee at Starbucks." He said to me.

This is a big decision. You can either...

A) go back to your place with your friends

B) go to starbucks with braden

If you chose A go to paragraph 4

If you chose B go to paragraph 5

Paragraph 4
Y/n's POV:

"Uhh braden i think im gonna go home with my friends." I say. "Ok see you later then." He says. We all get up and decide to drive back to my house.

Paragraph 5
Y/n's POV:

"Uhh guys is it ok if i go wth braden?" I ask. "Of course you can." Hazle says. "Ok I'll see you guys later." I say as i walk to starbucks with braden. When we get there we walk up to the counter. I order a vanilla latte and braden orders a frappuccino. "So i heard my friends were bullying you today..." he said. "Ya..." i said quietly. "Sorry about them. Their just being jerks." He said. "Its fine." I said. It was silent for a few minutes until the lady at the counter brings us our drinks. "Thank you." I say to her. "Oh no problem. You enjoy your night." She said smiling. (5 minutes later...)

"I think i should get going now." I say to braden. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow at school though." He said. "Ok. Bye!" I say as i leave. I went outside and remembered Ethan was the one who drove us here. "Oh crap!" I say to myself. I decide to call a taxi. While i was waiting i decided to look at my instagram. A few minutes later the taxi came. I got in and told the driver where i was going. He drove me home and i payed him. I knocked on the door and Elijah answered. "Hey Y/n how did it go?" He said. "Pretty well." I told him. We went upstairs and i told them how it went. "Oh shoot! Its 7:00!" Elijah said. "We gotta get home y/n but thanks for having us over." Ethan said. "Bye guys" Hazle and i said. "Bye!" They both said walking out the door. "Oh i gotta go too bye!" Hazle said leaving. After that i tried to go to sleep. Then i heard my phone buzz. Cayla texted me saying i was invited to a party on Friday night. I decided i probably shouldn't go to the party. I didn't even like cayla. I turned off my phone and went to sleep. The next morning i got up and got ready for school. Then i got on my bus and i was off to school.

(To continue this part of the story go to paragraph 1 in chapter 4)

Authors note:
Make sure you go to the next chapter and go to the paragraph you were told to go to so you can continue that part. Also its important that you remember what you chose for later in the story.

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