Chapter 28

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Elijahs pov

Showing Ethan around was weird. Its like I had been showing him a house he already knew. He was good friends with Denis and Alex so we hung out here alot.

"Alright, I think those are all of the rooms. Do you remember anything?" I asked.

"No, Im sorry, I dont." Ethan said.

We walked downstairs and we had some cake to celebrate Ethan getting home. Just after we finished, we heard a knock at the door.

"Ill get it." I said.

I opened the door to see Amie.

"Amie...what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Im here to get some of my stuff from Ethan. I went to you and Ethans house, but no one was home. I assumed he would be here." She said.

"Who is this?" Ethan asked.

Amie paused.

"Ethan...its Amie. Your ex? You know who I am."

"Amie, Ethan got into an accident. That accident caused him to loose his memory..." I whispered to Amie.

"Oh...Im sorry." She said.

"Its okay. Ethan, Do you want to go upstairs with Amie so she can get her stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." He answered.

They walked upstairs together to Ethans temporary room from when he stayed with Denis and Alex after the fight.

Amie pov

Ethan and I headed up the stairs to his room. I hated being in this house. The memories, the good and bad.

"Uhm you can look in my closet. I can't remember whats yours and whats mine but you can take your stuff." He said.

"Okay...thanks Ethan."

"Ill be right back." Ethan said.

I looked through his closet for my stuff as Ethan left the room.
I was looking for my old blow dryer as it was the only one I had that worked well, when I found a book.
I opened it to the middle. It read:

Dear journal:

Today Amie broke up with me. She caught me kissing Cayla. I wish I could just prove to her somehow that it wasn't my fault. I didn't mean to kiss her. She kissed me, not the other way around. I love Amie

I started to tear up. A teardrop fell down my cheek and onto the page.

I would never do that to her. I love her too much to do that. Amie was my favorite person in the world and I let her slip away. I hate Cayla. More than anyone.

Ethan best

"Hey I'm back." Ethan said.

I jumped a little and hid the book in my bag.

"Find it yet?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Okay." He said.

He started to head downstairs and so did I.

"Lije..." I said.

"Yeah?" He said.

I pulled the journal out of my bag.

"Here." I said handing him the journal.

"Whats this?" He asked.

"Its Ethans journal. I found it while I was looking for my things and I thought it might help him get his memory back if he reads it." I explained.

"Wow...Thanks Amie."

"No problem. Anything to help Ethan remember." I said.

We said our goodbyes and I headed out.

Authors note:

Okie this hurts for me to write cause i ship Ethan and Amie so much. I think they make the cutest couple.
Question of the day:
Why did you download wattpad? /how did you hear about it or discover it?

I just liked reading pals fan fictions so i downloaded the app after using the online version for god knows how long and i started writing and reading.

Okie buh bye:/

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