chapter 22

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I leave the hospital feeling upset. My brother doesn't remember me. My best friend got shot. I mean, I know they said Y/n will be fine, but I just can't help but to worry about her. What if something goes wrong in the surgery? Or she really isn't ok and they maybe missed something? I know im probably over exaggerating but Im just really worried. And as for Ethan, I dont know if hes ever gonna get his memory back. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't. I just hope everything gets better soon.

I head out to the parking lot as I hear my name being called.
I look over my shoulder confused and see Cayla.
"Hey Elijah."
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"Im here to see Ethan. I heard about what happened and I rushed here as soon as I could." She said.
"Well  first of all, good luck getting in the room right now cause they're doing some tests. Secondly, he won't know who you are anyway so theres really no point." I explained. "Wait. What do you mean he won't know who I am?" Cayla asked.
"He-" I could feel myself start to tear up again.
"You ok Lije?" She asked resting her hand on my shoulder.
"Yes. Im- Im fine." I pushed her hand off me.
She frowned. "So uhm what happened to Ethan?"
"Oh yeah. H-he lost his memory." A tear rolled down my cheek.
"Oh. I guess It'd probably be better if he didn't see me then." Cayla said frowning.
We waved goodbye and I walked to my car. I unlocked my car as I came close to it and sat inside it for minutes just thinking about what a mess I had gotten myself into.

Oml my first chapter in a while. I hate how short it is but i wanted to update soon. Im so happy rn because we got 2k reads on only him. Im really thankful for all the reads ive gotten and i cant thank you enough. Also in celebration of 2k reads im making a new cover for this story. Alright buh bye:/

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