chapter 3

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Paragraph 1
Y/n's POV

When we arrive back at my place, Elijah immediately runs to my room. The rest of us walk to my room saying hi to my mom on the way. When we walk in we see Elijah trying to get the game to work on my xbox. "Uhh Elijah." I say. "What?" He says still focusing on trying to play the game. "Ugh why wont it work?" He whined. "Because that DVD is for a play station." I tell him. "So what." He says. "Elijah, i have an xbox." I say. "Are you serious!" He whined. "Sorry lije. I guess you have to wait until you get home." Hazle says. "Ugh fine..." He said."What do you wanna do now?" Hazle said.

(This part is only for the people who chose B)

"Oh guys i almost forgot!" Ethan said. "Forgot what?" Hazle asked. "We gotta buy the tickets before there sold out!!" He said. "Oh i forgot about that!" I say as Elijah buys the tickets.(5 minutes later...) "ok i bought the tickets." Elijah said. "I can't believe were gonna see y/fb!!!" Hazle shouts. "So what do you wanna do now?" I asked.

(This part is for A and B)

"Maybe we could do karaoke." Elijah suggested. "Ooh good idea!" I said with excitement.(15 minutes later....)
"Oh Ethan we gotta go! Its 8:00!" Elijah said. "Ok see you guys later!" Ethan said.
"Ok bye guys!" I said as they closed the door. "I should probably get going too. My mom will get really mad if im late." Hazle said. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow!" I said. Hazle left the room. I few seconds later i heard her close the door. I guess now that their gone i should probably get to sleep. I got my PJ's on and got in my bed. I got under the blankets and rested my head on the pillow. I was almost asleep about 5 minutes later, but then i got a notification on my phone. I opened my eyes to the shining light of my phone. I got a text from Cayla saying i was invited to a party on friday night. I decided i probably shouldn't go. She was probably gonna do something to embarrass me like tie me to a chair or push me in her pool. I turned off my phone, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.
The next morning...
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I turned it off, pushed my blankets off my waist, and slowly got out of bed. I heard my phone ring. I went to see who it was. It was braden. I picked up the phone not realizing he was video chatting me. As soon as i picked up i realized it was i video chat. What do i do? I look like crap. I decided i would quickly put my phone on my bed and put on a sweater. I picked the phone back up."Hey braden." I said. "Hi y/n. I just called to say sorry about my friends yesterday..." he said. "Oh its fine..." I said to him. "Ok... I'll see you at school." Braden said. "Ok see you..." i said. He hung up. I turned off my phone and went to my closet to pick my outfit

You open your closet and see two nice outfits. Which one are you gonna wear?



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Now choose a hair style to go with your outfit

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Now choose a hair style to go with your outfit.



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After i put on my outfit and did my hair, i went to look in my mirror to see if i look good

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After i put on my outfit and did my hair, i went to look in my mirror to see if i look good. "I look pretty good!" I say to myself. I go to the kitchen for breakfast. I open the cupboard and grab the cereal. 20 minutes later after finishing ,my breakfast, brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and getting dressed, i was walking to my bus stop. The bus arrived so i got on and went to the closest empty seat.

Continue this story in paragraph 1 in chapter 4...

Authors note:
Thanks for reading and remember to not forget what you chose.

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