chapter 6

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Y/n POV:
5 years later...

It was the start of December when i got a text from a really popular youtuber. His name was Denis. He texted me saying he saw my youtube videos(you are a youtuber)
and that he wanted to do a collab. I told him i was fine with that and then we planned it out. The next day i logged onto my roblox account and joined his game. We were gonna play royale high. After the video, we talked for a bit. When it was time for me to go to bed, i hung up and fell asleep.

3 months later...
3 months later Denis texted me again.

Denis: hey

Me: hi

Denis: so i was talking with the rest of the pals and we wanted to know if you wanted to join the pals.

Me: really?!

Denis: yup

Me: sure

Denis: ok i will tell them

Me: ok

Denis: ok we will do a video announcing it on friday ok

Me: sounds good

Denis:  i gtg

Me: ok bye

Denis: bye

I was so excited and shocked at the same time. Why did they pick me? Out of all the youtubers in the world they chose me. I was also gonna be the first girl pal. I didn't ever think they would even add a girl to the pals. And on friday i would officially be a pal.
It was finally friday and denis had texted me.

Denis: hey y/n

Me: hey denis

Denis: you ready?

Me: i think so

Denis: ok

After that i drove to denis' house. As soon as i got there i was suprised by how big it was. It looked way bigger than it did in his house tour. I rang the doorbell and Denis answered the door. "Hey y/n!" He said welcoming me into his house. "Hey Denis!" I said. "Wow! Your house is huge!" I said. "Ya." He said bringing me to his living room. "So y/n, i want you to meet Alex, Sub, Braden, and Elijah. Guys this is y/n!" He introduced me. After we all said hello i sat down on the cold black leather couch and we talked about how we were gonna do the video. "Ok so y/n this is gonna be simple. Were gonna do the intro, then introduce you." Alex said. "Alright." I said. Then Denis walked over to the camera and started recording. Then he sat down and did the intro. "Hey everyone! My name is denis and today im here with Alex, Braden, Elijah, and Sub." He said. "But today is not just any normal video. We have a special announcement." Braden said. "Today we have with us the newest pal." Elijah said. "Thats right! So lets welcome y/n to the pals!" Denis says. I introduce myself and say a bit about myself too. After the video is over everyone is basically just talking about what the next video should be about and how they think they could improve. "So for the video tomorrow i was thinking we could do a QnA." Denis said. "Thats a good idea... But i was thinking we could do a pals react video reacting to the fan accounts on instagram." Braden said. "Do you seriously have to be against me in everything?" Denis said annoyed. "Im just saying your not the leader of decisions..." He said.
"Well i thought maybe people would have questions about our new member." Denis said. "And i thought maybe some of the instagram fan accounts wanted to be reacted to!" Braden said. "Well i really like Denis' idea." Alex said. "What about you Elijah?" Braden asked crossing his arms. "I think Bradens idea is pretty cool..." Elijah said. "Oh shut up Elijah. Thats just because all of them are about you." Denis said even more annoyed. "Well maybe im more attractive than you." Elijah said. "Oh really?" Denis challenged. "Yup." Elijah said. "You know what? This is stupid! Y/n what video do you think we should do?" Alex asked.

This is up to you. Which video do you want to do?

A) QnA

B) Pals react(fan accounts)

C) you have a suggestion

If you chose A go to paragraph 1 in chapter 7

If you chose B go to paragraph 2 in chapter 7

If you chose C go to paragraph 3 in chapter 7 and comment your suggestion

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