20 Elijahs side 4

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Elijahs POV

I woke up the next morning tired and upset.
I got out of bed remembering I was at a hotel. I ran to my backpack I packed before I had to go and searched to see if I had packed a snack or food. Nothing but crackers. I really did not want to eat crackers for breakfast so I decided I should go out and get something from maybe McDonald's or Starbucks.

  I go back in my bag to check for extra clothes. I found a pair of ripped jeans and my light pink sweater (same one that Denis has).
"This should do." I say to myself.
I put on the outfit and brush out my hair then brush my teeth too. Finally I was ready to go. I grab my car keys from my nightstand and walk out the door. Once I get out the door I run to my car and turn on the radio. I find a channel talking about news.
I turn it up a bit. Sometimes I actually enjoy listening to news. Its always good to know whats happening. Then I hear the story that happened last night to y/n and I.
"Last night a break in happened at (adress). One person injured but the other person ended up ok. The injured girl is now in the hospital being treated." Said the newsman. I sighed and continued driving. "Now for other news that happened just this morning. A man named Ethan Best was pushed off a bridge by another car. He is in the hospital now." Said the newsman. "What!? My Ethan?! Oh my god!" I say to myself. I immediately instead of going to get some coffee or food go to the hospital. 10 minutes later I arrive at the hospital. I run into the building and ask the lady at the counter where Ethan best was. "What is your name sir?" She said.
"Elijah Best. Uhm Im his twin."
"Ok hes up on the third floor in room 306." She said.
"Ok thank you so much!" I said.
I ran to the elevator and pressed the third floor button. As soon as the elevator opened I ran out and ran to 306. I knocked on the door and a nurse opened it.
"Can I help you?" She said.
"Can I see Ethan? Im his twin brother." I said.
"We're in the middle of something but if you want to wait a bit outside the room you may do that." She offered. "No I need to see him now!"
I pushed past the nurse and ran to Ethans bed. He was just lying there. Not really doing anything but sleeping. He finally wakes up. In my head Im just praying he says something to me but all he says is: "Who are you?"


Heyy. Thanks for reading this chapter. So I was thinking after i finish this book maybe i could make a sequel because i honestly love writing these chapters and you guys seem to really enjoy them too so just tell me what you think.

Question of the day: Whos your favorite song artist/singer/song writer/band?
I like ariana grande and panic! At the disco:)

Alrighty thanks for reading! Buh bye<3:/

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