chapter 8

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The next day...
Y/ns POV

It was the next day and today i was on my way to denis' house again to pick my intro/outro and do the video.
I rolled out of bed rubbing my eyes and slowly walked to the kitchen.
I made myself a cup of coffee and got dressed into an outfit that looked like this:

I made myself a cup of coffee and got dressed into an outfit that looked like this:

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Then i went outside and got in my car. 5 minutes later im at denis' house. I go up and knock on the door then denis quickly answers. "Hey y/n!" He said. "Hey denis." I say. "You want anything? Water, juice..." He asked. "No thanks." I replied. "Ok" he said.
He pulled out his laptop and went to google. "Ok so lets look for an intro song for you." Denis said. "Alright sounds good." I said sitting down at his dining table next to him. "Ok so i think you should do a song by Elias Nalisin." He suggested. "Ok." I agreed.

You finally find 3 you really like. Which one will you choose?

A) stick together

B) forgetting this

C) hit me

"I think im gonna go with *your choice here*." I said. "Good choice." Denis said. We edited my intro together and then drew my profile/avatar.

What color do you want yours to be?

A) Hot pink

B) Neon yellow

C) Bright red
"Have you thought about what you want your color to be?" Denis asked. "Ya i think i like *your choice here*." I said. "I like it." Denis said smiling at me.

Authors note...
Thank you for reading this chapter. I really enjoy writing these kind of stories so tell me if you want me to do more choose your story books like this. Also this story is almost at 100 reads! Thank you so much! I know 100 isnt alot but it is to me and we are almost there!

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