Chapter 21(Elijah and Ethans side)

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Elijahs POV

"W-what do you mean? Im your twin brother!" I said.
"I swear I've never seen you in my life. Im sorry." Ethan said.
I can feel tears running down my cheek.
"Im sorry. We just recently found out Ethan has amnesia. Were still doing some tests and thats why we didn't want you coming in yet." The nurse explained.
"No... theres got to be something we can do. Please!" Elijah said.
"Like I said before, we are still doing some tests. We will give you further information on this soon, but for now I need you to leave." The nurse said.
I slowly leave crying more than before.
My own twin brother can't remember me.
One of the worst things about this is how the last time I saw him when he was able to remember anything, I was yelling at him. I hated him. All because of a stupid girl. I felt so bad. I decided while I was at the hospital I should probably check up on Y/n.
I walked up to a nurse just passing by and asked:"Uhm excuse me, what room is y/n (lastname) in?"
"She is in room 414." She replied.
"Oh ok thank you." I said.
I went to the nearest elevator and went to floor four then searched for the fourteenth room. Finally I found it and knocked on the door.
"Hello." Said the nurse as she opened the door.
"Is this y/ns room?"
"Yes it is." She said.
"Could I visit her? Im her friend." I asked.
"Of course." The nurse said.
She brings me to her bed. She's just sitting there with a huge bandage on her chest(where she got shot).
"Y/n?" I say.
"Hey Lije." She says.
"How are you doing?" I ask.
"Thats good." I said.
"Ya. I just got told this morning that I'm going to need surgery and they told me they would be doing it on tuesday. Luckly it didn't go close enough to my heart or anything like that to be that too harmful." She explained.

"She should be fine to leave by thursday." The nurse said.
"Ok well thats good." I said in relief.
"Hey Lije, you look like you were crying. Are you ok?" Y/n said.
"Uhm y-yeah, Im fine. Its just kinda cold out today." I lied.

I couldn't tell y/n about Ethan. Her and Ethan were such good friends back in highschool and all through out elementary school too. I can't tell her. At least not until she's out of the hospital.

"Ok. Just making sure." She said.
"Oh I should go now y/n. But I'll make sure to visit tomorrow."
"Ok bye, Elijah." Y/n said.


Hii! Hope you enjoyed this more sad chapter.
Question of the day: how long have you been watching the pals?
Alrighty, buh bye<3:/

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