19 Ethans side 3

143 1 7

Ethans POV

I wake up the next morning feeling like crap.
I yawn. I decide to get up and head out into town to get coffee. Maybe that will make  me feel better. I get dressed and brush my teeth and hair then go downstairs. I grab my car keys off Denis microwave(still staying with Denis.).
"Hey Denis! Im going to get some coffee! You want anything?" I shout to Denis.
"No thanks!" He shouts from upstairs.
"Ok! Ill be back in a bit!"
I then walk to my car and start it up.
I start driving then get to a bridge. It always takes quite a while to cross it cause alot of people are on it.
I hear a loud car noise and quickly look behind me. At the front of the bridge is a black van with no windows besides the front ones and a scary looking man inside. He starts swerving all over the road and crashes into several peoples cars. I honk my horn signaling the driver in front of me to try to go faster. They don't seem to go any faster. Worried, I do it again. I honk my horn a second time and again not going any faster.
I get so worried to the point where I yell it out my window. I open it and yell:"Please hurry up! There is a psychopath swerving on the road!"
And as expected nothing happened. The crazy driver was so close to my car still swerving all over the place.
Then he hits my car. At this point I didn't know what to do. My car was a quarter off the bridge, and I couldn't get out because the front of my car was the part that was hanging off so if I jumped out I would fall into the waters below me. I was so scared. I cried. I rested my head on the steering wheel and cried. I was probably gonna fall into the water off a bridge, in my car, and there was nothing I could do about it. For some reason he came back to me. The crazy driver drove back over and pushed me a bit more to the point where my car was tipping. Like if you were doing the charlie charlie challenge and you were trying to balance the pencil, that was my car, falling off the bridge. He swerved away from me again. I thought maybe if I crawled to the back, I would tip it the other way and I wouldn't fall.
I slowly and carefully crawled to the back but the car was tilting and rocking back and forth as I moved.
It started rocking so much that it fell. As I fell I barely had enough time to think about what was happening to me right now. I was falling off a bridge in my car. I finally hit the water. When I hit the water my head slammed against the window and from there it was lights out.

Alrighty thanks for reading this chapter. I really appreciate it. Sorry for the short chapter i just have not updated in a while so i wanted to do it quickly today.
Question of the day: Have you ever been in a dangerous near death situation?
Alright. Buh bye<3 :/

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