18 Elijahs side 3

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I wake up to the sound of glass shattering. I open my eyes and its still night. Then I see Elijah run up the stairs. "Y/n?" He says in a worried tone.
"Yeah?" I say rubbing my eyes.
"Did you hear that?" He asked.
"Hear what?" I question him.
"Glass shattering." He says.
"Y-yeah why do you ask?" I said worried.
"Y/n I think someone is trying to break in." He said even more worried than before.
"Oh my gosh. What do we do?" I said.
"Do you have a panic room or an attic?" He asked.
"I have an attic." I said.
"Ok. Lets hide in there." He said.
"Alright." I said.
We snuck out of my room and into the hall. Then we heard footsteps.
We started panicing and ran to my bathroom and locked the doors instead.
"Do you have your phone?" Elijah whispered.
"Not on me. I left it in my room." I whispered back.
"Crap." He whispered panicing.
"Oh! Here!" He said handing me a flip phone.
"I always have it on me for emergencies. Just call 911 and tell them somebody is breaking into your house." He whispered. I nodded and dialed 911.

911: 911 whats your emergency?
You: uhm hello. Somebody is breaking into my house.
911: ok and what room are you in right now?
You: im in my bathroom with the door locked.
911: ok whats your adress?
You: (any adress).
911: the police are on there way but please stay on the line.
You: ok.
911: anyone there with you?
You: my friend Elijah is with me.
911: ok what is Elijah doing then?
You: he is trying to block the door but there isn't much in here that can help.
911: do you have a chair or maybe a stool in there?
You: no
911: ok well do you know where the guy is?
You: we think we hear footsteps near the door.
911: do you think hes close.
You: he sounds pretty close.

Then Elijah started to push the door closed.
"Y/n hes grying to get in!" Elijah said struggling.

911: whats happening?
You: hes trying to get in!
911: help Elijah keep the door closed! The police are almost there!
You: ok!

I grab the door knob and push the door closed.
Then the guy outside the bathroom stops pushing the door open and runs at it. The door opens leaving Elijah and I to collapse to the ground.

"Put your hands up!" He yelled.
He pulled out a gun and both Elijah and I put our hands up.
"What do you want?!" Elijah shouted.
"Shut it!" The criminal yelled.
"Or what?" Elijah said.
"Or you can say goodbye to your girlfriend here." The criminal said.
"Shes not my girlfriend." Elijah said.
"So you wouldn't mind if I did this!" The criminal shot me straight in the chest.

Elijahs POV

I started to cry.
"How could you do that!?" I yelled.
I heard sirens. It was the police.
The criminal tried to run but before he could get very far I grabbed his arm, turned him around and punched him. He fell to the ground and tried to run again. This time he got away. I ran to y/n and held her crying.
The police ran in and saw me in the bathroom on the ground.
They called the ambulance and looked for the criminal. Turns out he ended up escaping through an open window. They searched outside but found no sign of him.
When the ambulance arrived, they told me I had to meet y/n at the hospital in the morning if i wanted to see her.
I had to stay at a hotel for the rest of the night because of the smashed window from where he got in.
The police drove me to the hotel because my car was still at my house. Then i got my room and went to sleep. Well tried to sleep. I was to worried about y/n to sleep.
My childhood best friend got shot. I've known y/n for as long as I can remember.
We had so many good memories together but now there is a big chance shes gone.

Hey! Thanks for reading. I honestly had a good time writing this, not gonna lie. I just really wanted to add in some sort of sad touch in there so this was it.
Question of the chapter: Do you have any pets? If so what are they and what are their names? I have a cat and a dog!

K thx for reading<3

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