Part 4

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A/N- I know I haven't specified when this is. I'm gonna say that Thanksgiving is in about a week.
Several Days Later
Ellie's POV
After we finished solving our Lieutenant's case, Nick and I were able to settle down and talk about everything. "I know we are gonna have to tell your parents sometime soon. I was thinking Christmas?" Nick suggested. "How about you come with me to Thanksgiving? I asked. He smiled. "Sure," he replied. "So where should we live? I don't really want to miss too much of anything. After all, I do love you," He said, his voice softening at the end of his sentence. "I love you too, Nick," I said. We weren't official or anything, so his statement took me by surprise. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "What about the team?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "We have to tell them soon," I elaborated. "It's all up to you. I don't mind if you want to wait a while," he said. I nodded, happy with how caring he was. "Hey, don't forget I have my first appointment tomorrow. I think Gibbs is gonna let you go," I said. "I'm excited," he said. Then we just sat and smiled. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep on his shoulder.
I woke up with his arms around me in my bed. "Good morning," he said when I began to get up. "Good morning," I replied. "I'm gonna get ready for work. I suggest you do the same," I said, smiling.
We both got ready for work and headed out together. When we got to work, I walked up to Gibbs. "Hey, um, I have a doctors appointment today and I was wondering if Nick could come?" I whispered. He looked up and nodded. I walked back to my desk and smiled. I didn't want to interrupt the quiet atmosphere of the bullpen, so I texted Nick.
EB- Hey, Gibbs said you can come to the appointment. I was thinking we could take Tim and Delilah out to dinner and tell them.
NT- Great and Sure, that works for me
EB- ok
Then I decided to text Tim.
EB- Hey, got any plans tonight?
TM- No, what's up?
EB- Would you and Delilah like to come to dinner at the diner tonight?
TM- I'll check with her but I'd love to.
EB- k, I'll meet you there when we get off
That was done. I'll tell Nick later.
I worked on paperwork until a little after noon. Then I got up and told Gibbs I had to go and I'd be back. Nick followed close behind me.
Nick drove us to the doctors office. We walked in and I was quickly called back. "So, we are going to run a few blood tests and we will do an ultrasound," The nurse explained as we walked to a room to get my blood drawn.
After they got my blood, they led us to a room with several screens and tools. They had me lay down on a table and put gel on my stomach. Then she moved the little sensor over my abdomen. I felt Nick grab my hand as she moved the stick around. We both watched the screen, waiting for her to point something out. "There is your baby. It looks like you're about six weeks pregnant," she explained. I smiled and looked at Nick. He was already looking at me and smiling. The nurse printed out the pictures and we were led out of the room.
Back at work, I kept the pictures hidden in my bag until the end of the day. After work, Nick and I headed to the diner to meet McGee and Delilah.
"Hey, guys!" I said as the walked in. "Hello, Ellie," Delilah said. "How're you?" I asked, as I hadn't gotten to talk to her in a while. "I'm great. The question is, how're you?" She asked. I chuckled. "I'm doing absolutely great as well," I said. She looked at me suspiciously. "So why are we here?" She asked me. "Ah, so we're skipping all the small talk I guess," I said. She nodded and we all laughed. I saw Nick look at me. I felt him grab my hand under the table. I took one of the ultrasounds out of my bag after we ordered. "Ellie!" Tim said. "You're pregnant?" Delilah asked. "Yep!" I said happily. "Whoa, since when?" McGee asked me. "About six weeks," I replied. Everyone was smiling. "So, Nick," McGee started. "Oh no," he replied. "How long have you and Ellie been a thing?" Delilah asked. "Well, I mean, technically we aren't officially dating yet, to be honest with you," he explained. "Ooh," Tim said.
Our food came and we kept talking about me being pregnant and everything.
"We should probably get home," McGee said. It was almost 8:30. "Yeah, well, I'll see you tomorrow, Tim. It was very nice to see you Delilah," I said. We hugged before they left. Nick payed the bill and we left. "That was nice," Nick said on our way back to my house. "Yeah, it was. We should probably tell Jimmy, Ducky, and Kasie tomorrow. And also Jack," I said. Nick nodded as he put his hand on my thigh. "You know, Ellie, I love you," he said. "I know, you've told me before," I replied. "Ellie, I really love you. I've loved you since Charlie and Luis. I've loved you for longer than that. I've loved you for a long time. I've loved you so long I don't know what it's like not to love you. This is kinda bad timing, but will you be my girlfriend, officially?" He asked. I smiled softly. "Of course," I replied happily.

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