Mr Brightside

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Tyler's POV

I opened my Mac just as the skype call was incoming- we were so in sync. Accepting the call gladly, I put a smile on my face as his video popped up on the screen.

"Troye boy!" I enthused. "Quiff game strong?" I modelled my light lavender hair, which was styled in a particularly impressive quiff today.

"Hella strong," Troye said in his amazing accent. "What've you been doing?"

"I'm here with this twink," I said, motioning for Connor to come into frame. "We're just hanging out. We miss you though," I grinned, relaxing in my chair. Skyping with Troye was the highlight of my day, every time.

"Hey, buddy," Connor said in his infinitely happy way. 

"Hi, Con da Bon. Guys, please please come down to Australia. Right now. Hop on a plane. Please. I need some quality OT3 time!"

"Awww, Troye!" I giggled. "Soon!" However, soon wasn't soon enough for me. Ever since Digifest, I had been pushing back my feelings for my best friend. I couldn't ruin what we had. He was young and inexperienced. I couldn't do that to him. 

"Anyway... I have amazing news! No, seriously, you have to hear."

"Tom Daley's released a sex tape?"

"Not that amazing, Tilly. No, I'm coming to America! In August! After TRXYE is released, we'll be working on writing some more, and we'll be able to hang out a bunch."

Connor and I grinned at each other. August was gonna be the best month. What with me uploading Auguest, TRXYE coming out, and Troye spending time in the good old USA, the fangirls were gonna go crazy. I blew a cheesy kiss at the webcam.

"We can't wait to see you, darling," I said in a fake british voice. The thought of seeing him in person was almost too much to handle. His gorgeous crystal blue eyes..



He's your best friend, nothing more.

Connor was looking at me strangely and I quickly returned my attention to the screen. We lay for a while, sharing Doritos out of a bag and talking to Troye about everything from TRXYE to Dylan Sprouse to making plans for his upcoming trip. He had a demo playing in the background- my favourite song from the EP, Gasoline. I had never told him that. It was the most personal one to him, the most raw, the one that really let me see inside his heart. 

"Just set my heart on fire, like gasoliiiine," I sang along quietly. He looked at me with something in his eyes, and then sighed.

"Okay guys, I have to go. Oh- wait-" His phone was ringing. I didn't recognise the song, until I could actually make out the lyrics. It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss. 

"Mr Brightside?" Connor laughed, but Troye was distracted. It was probably an important call from his music company. He was so talented. My talented Troye boy.

Except he wasn't mine.. Oops.

Even after we said goodbye and ended the video call, I longed to see his face again, hear his low yet cute voice. The music was ringing in my ears. It was only a kiss. No..

It was so much more than that.

It was the crowd's screams fading out as our lips touched, energy sparking between us, the urge to reach out and touch him.

But I was the only one that felt that, obviously.

A/N Hello, if anyone is even reading this! To clear up any confusion, this is set at the end of May, after digifest and the troyler kiss. (I died. I have no words to express the feels I felt.) Troye is nearing the release of his EP (Isn't that amazing, too?) 

Thanks for reading & please vote and comment if you liked it! ♥ 

P.S please feed back. I have no idea what is the right length for a chapter. Help please. I'm such a newbie at this. Also- every chapter is going to be the title of a song. I hope you got that. ;) ♥ xx

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