Stay With Me

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I was zoned out for the rest of the day. Zoe and Alfie had gone out to look for Troye. They'd tucked me in and told me to 'sleep it off'. I could never sleep off this amount of heartbreak.

So I spent the hours staring at the ceiling, thinking about the boy I loved. I tried to imagine him smiling at me, making breakfast together, perhaps a ring shining on our hands, but all I saw was the betrayal and contempt in his eyes as he ran from the room.

What had I done?

What if he turned to drink like I did, got pissed and then thrown out of the bar? It wasn't safe for an innocent teenager at night, especially Troye. What if he was attacked? Raped?

I could feel my breath getting shallow, and just then a text buzzed through. I picked my phone up, hands shaking, searching for Zoe or Alfie's name. A very different name appeared on the screen. The Troye Sivan. My fingers scrambled to tap it, and I had to read it three times before I fully understood.

Please come. And then there was a long address. I knew the place. It was about a thirty minute drive. God knows how Troye got there with his own two feet.

I tapped a reply.

Are you safe? 30 minutes. Tyler.

And after scribbling a note to Zalfie, I was out of the door and into my car.

"Troye?" I called quietly, my voice echoing through the alleyways. I'd parked a little way off. I was feeling surprising sober. "Troye..? Are you here?"

The address was a street lined by highrise buildings with a few apartments in between. Most of the buildings were either flashy and new or falling down completely- there was no inbetween.

"Tyler..." called a voice. It was thin and feeble, but I could recognise it from a mile away.

"Troye!" I said louder, starting to run towards the noise, and as I turned a corner my heart stopped.

He was sitting against a dirty red brick wall, his Converse laces trailing, and cradling his arm in a way that looked unnatural. His eyebrows were knotted together and there were tear trails streaking down his cheeks. I ran to him and crouched next to him, holding in my tears, because right now there was something more important than my own emotions.

"Troye, what happened, are you okay?" I said, trying to stay calm.

"Hi, Tyler," he smiled weakly and winced. "My wrist.."

I gently took his elbow, shivering at the contact. His wrist was pale and swollen, and jutted at an odd angle from his arm.

"Troye, what did you do?" I said desperately. It might be sprained, or even broken. Okay.

"It doesn't matter?" He said it as if it was a question. I could see he was in no state to be interrogated.

"Can you walk?"

"I think," he breathed, and I realised he was in a lot of pain. We stood up slowly and he began walking. He was limping slightly, and I put an arm round him to support him, but he flinched away. My best friend. Flinching away from me. I wanted to cry and grovel and run away, but this mattered more. We made it to the car and as he sat in the passenger seat, I could see his eyelids drooping as he fought to stay awake. I didn't want him to go to sleep. I had a feeling it was a bad idea.

"Don't go to sleep," I kept repeating, like a mantra. He was whimpering every time he moved his arm slightly. I needed to go faster, dammit. I pushed my foot down. The hospital was a little further on.

"Troye, don't fucking go to sleep," I said, panicking, and he widened his eyes. I began singing softly, probably out of tune, but one of his favourite songs.

"Oh won't you, stay with me... 'Cause you're all I need." I sang, and in the mirror I could see him smiling, but the pain contorted it into a grimace.

Off-white walls and phone calls. That's what I remember of the hospital. The slightly sickly green tinge to the long corridor walls, the smell of plastic, the incessant ringing of the phone. We had to wait ages, surrounded by crying kids and adults muttering. Troye was agitated, but I took his hand and rubbed small circles with my thumb, and this time he didn't resist. It was almost calm. If you could forget why we were there.

Finally they got round to seeing us, seeing his pale, drawn face and giving him some painkillers before having an xray. He seemed a little better afterwards, and his smile seemed genuine. It was broken. The doctor asked him how he did it, and he blushed, frowning slightly. "I-uh- I tripped over and fell on it. I'm really clumsy," he stammered. They explained everything, pointing to different parts of the xray, but I was more interested in tracing every part of Troye with my eyes- the angle of his cheekbone, the shadow underneath his eyes, the collarbone peeking out from under his jumper. I realised we were both still wearing our TRXYE sweaters. I watched as they treated his wrist and put it in a stark white bandage, with a sling so he wouldn't move it.

"I dare say this will just be an excuse for your brother here to wait on you hand and foot," the kindly female doctor said.

"I'm not his brother," I explained carefully.

"Oh? Boyfriend?"

"Best friend," Troye interjected a little too quickly. My cheeks burned. I didn't know how to feel.

"I see. Well, stay safe, young man. You," she waggled a finger at me, "you might need to help him out a lot, because it's a lot to get used to. He will expect breakfast in bed every day," she continued, winking at Troye.

"I'm not sure that will be happening, Sivan," I sassed.

The doctor went into the details of cleaning, re dressing, and looking after the break and I zoned out, again just staring at the beautiful human being. His soft, dark lips. His eyes- blue, but with the hint of green and gray and god knows what, so clear you could see into his soul. I came back to reality to leave the hospital and drive back to the apartment.

As we drove, I asked Troye to check my phone. 8 missed calls, 17 texts. Oops. Zoe and Alfie were gonna be mad.

A/N This is a long 'un for you. Some Troyler fluff in the next one, but they won't be getting together for a while I'm afraid! I'm sorry about the hospital scene- I've never broken anything so I have no idea, I was just making it up.

Leave a vote/comment/all that jazz and let me know what you think. (Critisicm n' all!)

PS Wow! I can't believe this story has 250 reads.... eek. I love you all more than I love banoffles. (banana and toffee waffles which incidentally are heaven on a plate.) <3

Peace out, munchkins xox


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