Born This Way

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"We're taking you Downtown," I announced to Troye, Zoe and Alfie. The six of us wouldn't fit in my tiny car, so Korey drove Zoe and Alfie, and I took Troye and Connor.

"We're gonna see the Disney concert hall, and then we're going clubbing," I said, letting the excitement seep into my voice.

"Disney and clubbing in one night," Troye said looking amused, and we shrugged.

"Why not?" Connor added. I agreed, my cheeks flushed with excitement. I couldn't wait to be up there on the floor dancing with my best friends.

I stood looking up at the sweeping curves and silver architecture of the concert hall. Actually, to be honest I was more interested in the sweeping cheekbones and chiseled architecture of Troye Sivan's face, but he need not know that. The other four were chatting and laughing together, Connor singing some song from Aladdin, and I put an arm around my best friend.

"So what do you think of L.A so far, Troye boy?"I asked, smiling. I played with a curl of hair at the nape of his neck. If anyone were to see us, they would think we were a couple, and I wasn't about to argue.

"It's great," he said in his unique accent. "Especially its inhabitants, they're pretty great too."

"Great? Me? If you're going to compliment me, at least say fabulous."

"Good thing I was talking about Korey then," he teased and I pretended to smack him on the head.

I turned around to see Zoe watching with a knowing smirk and quickly pulled away from Troye, though he looked confused.

We wasted some time sightseeing and talking, with some ear shattering singing and bad impressions thrown in, but they all knew what I was really looking forward to.

"Come on then, Tyler," Alfie said loudly. "We all know you're dying to take us to a club."

It was only about 9:00pm by then, so we had plenty of time to get completely pissed.

I steered them down dark alley ways past dodgy looking strangers until we finally came to a building that was literally thumping with loud electro music.

"Used to be a cinema," I shouted, motioning up at the crumbling pillars from which grew plants and grass, and the lopsided sign which now read "Bat Cave".

"You're seriously taking us to a club called Bat Cave," asked Troye in disbelief.

I pulled them in hurriedly, managing to lead them through a string of bodies.

"Let's get some drinks," I giggled, already high on the flashing lights and pumped atmosphere.

Despite encouraging the others to loosen up, I was designated driver, so I had one can of beer and that was it. It actually amused me greatly to not be the friend that was piss drunk for once!

I danced with Connor, boogied with Korey, swayed with Alfie, went crazy with Zoe and at last dragged Troye up onto the floor. He had spent most of the night sitting at the sides sipping his drink, so it was only when we started dancing that I realised how goddamn drunk he was. I tried to brush his hands off when he trailed them down my neck, and threw back my head and laughed when he started grinding on me. He did my signature move, one arm up, and I grinned, pulling him further away from the others.

Born this Way came blasting out of the speakers and our eyes immediately lit up as we body popped in sync, covered in sweat, probably someone else's, with the skin on his face tinged electric shades of blue and green.

"Gaga, my queen," he slurred and I had to chuckle at his drunken mutterings.

Not long after, maybe around 1am, Zalfie, Korey and Connor decided to take a cab back to their places.

"You can drive him home, right?" Zoe yelled over the music, pointing at Troye who was currently belting out the lyrics to Live While We're Young, and I nodded, caught in the hysteria. Zoe was pretty sober so I knew they'd be fine.

So we carried on dancing.

A slow number came on, 'one for all the couples out there', and I sat back down, shaking my head through my laughter. But Troye was persistent. He locked his arms around my neck and stared into my eyes. His pupils were alive. We swayed slowly, and I rested my forehead against his. I realised it was pretty easy to ignore everyone else when you were up close and personal with the man of your dreams. His adams apple was bathed in neon yellow light, and I leaned forward to leave a hot kiss on his neck, not knowing what I was doing, not caring. He pressed himself closer into me and I felt the bones of his hips against me.

"Troye," I breathed in frustration, before beginning to trail kisses down his neck, onto his chest, his collarbone-

Wait.. what am I doing?

I pushed myself away from him. "We're going home," I said stonily. He didn't resist as I bundled him into my car. I looked round, suddenly defensive and suspicious, to see a muscled figure with tanned skin quickly get into a dark red Fiat along the street. I don't know why my eyes were drawn to him... I shook my head to clear away the cobwebs and got in, preparing myself to drive along the black streets. I propped Troye up, hearing him still mumbling lyrics, his eyes drooping a little. I looked up at the huge sky through the windscreen as I put my foot down, all the way chastising myself, telling myself off, letting myself know that it was not okay to do that, even for the hot rush of pleasure that my lips on his skin brought...

Did I nearly take advantage of my drunk best friend?


I wouldn't.

Would I?

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