Rather Be

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I watched the skinny figure in front of my kitchen counter, licking Nutella off of his slender fingers.

"How come you don't get fat?" I asked idly, picking up a Target bag full of food.

"Nutella is made of nuts. Nuts are healthy," Troye replied, proud of his logic, and I giggled.

I figured Troye might need something to take his mind off last night, so I decided we would go on a picnic to a cute park I knew. Troye's time in L.A was running out- but I preferred not to think about that. We grabbed the bags of picnic food and swinging them happily, started out of the door of my apartment.

"How far exactly is it?" he whined with the voice of someone who doesn't exercise very often.

"We are not taking my car for a fifteen minute walk," I teased and led him down the right street. "I know your limbs are weak and frail but you can manage this."

"I'm an internet kid," he protested, swapping his bag to the other hand to run his fingers through his chocolate quiff.

We walked companiably for a while, every so often making a comment about cute boys driving past or how sunny it was today. The subject of last night never came up. He showed no signs of the drama either, although perhaps he was a little puffy-eyed from crying. I hoped it was just my imagination. I never wanted him to be sad again.

The park I was bringing him to was a strange haven in the midst of the busy city, basically a big path through the middle of a field lined with trees. However I knew some secret spots that were beautiful on a sunny day, provided they weren't taken by a couple passionately making out. They normally were. If they weren't, of course, Troye and I could always-

"Are we nearly there?" Troye said, breaking me out of my daydream.

"Oh, wait. We actually are." I came to my senses enough to turn us down the long street. To our right were terraced houses and to our left the view of downtown L.A- although there was a much better view, walking right alongside me. I looked at him sideways as he hummed with the sun on his face. Ugh. What a perfect human being. His ocean-blue eyes flashed as the light hit them.

"We're here!" I suddenly exclaimed with a twirl, pointing at the little rusted gate in front of us.

"After you," Troye charmed as he opened the gate for me and I skipped through like an excited little girl.

"Come on," I grabbed his hand and started to run, pulling him along with me. He laughed out loud, throwing his head back in the way he only did when he was truly happy. I found the spot I used to sit. It was a tiny clearing down on the east side of the park with gnarled trees. They had somehow twisted into a bench shape so you could sit on them. I sat down immediately, unrolling our tartan blanket on the floor, and Troye plonked down next to me.

He was smiling with his teeth as he took out his phone and loaded up Instagram. I rolled my eyes dramatically and he pretended to shove me. I watched in admiration as he took a photo of our feet, my Toms next to his Converses, surrounded by the dappled pattern the leaves made with the sun. He captioned it Guess who I'm with? and I smiled at his cuteness.

As he scrolled through Tumblr, I began to set out the picnic, including his messy Nutella sandwiches, on plastic plates with plastic cutlery.

"It's like a doll's teaparty," I said happily. I must have sounded like a four year old girl, but it really did. I had never played with dolls, of course, because my dad especially would never have accepted me playing with "girl's toys." 

"WAIT!" I suddenly shrieked, jumping up and grabbing at the air. I laughed in triumph.

"Are you crazy?" he said, with one eyebrow quirking as he recovered from the shock.

Tilly's Boy - A Troyler FicWhere stories live. Discover now