Carry On

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After a night of lounging around on beanbags and catching up with two of my best friends, I decided it was probably time to go home.

"See you later, guys. I'm gonna go home and make some dinner."

"Alright," Bas said with a yawn that made him look like a little lion cub.

"Probably noodles," I grinned. I was never much of a cook, but right now egg noodled and soy sauce sounded really good.

"Alright," he repeated. He sounded distracted. I noticed he was staring past me, to where Korey was lying back and texting on his mobile. I hid a smile, still baffled at this turn of events, and grabbed my jacket. Heading out of the door I gave a quick wave to them and was gone.

Night had fallen quickly again and I wished I had a scarf as the breeze bit at my neck.

After a while briskly walking along, I turned the corner onto my street and froze. Red splotches covered my apartment door. Drips of a scarlet substance had formed on the front step. My heart immediately lurched into my throat. I could see no passers-by. Had somebody been murdered? 

Cautiously moving closer, I realised my hands were shaking and closed them into fists. I had to be brave. Should I call the police? My hands fumbled with my pockets before a car sped by, lonely in the night. Fingers scrabbled over the glossy back of my iphone as the headlights glared in my face. They reflected harshly off my lenses and I blinked. It was a red Fiat.

Dread flooded me. This was the car of my nightmares, come back to haunt me. I had a feeling I knew who was inside.

Thankfully, it passed quickly, leaving behind just the roar of the engine and I was shaking for real now. Cold and fear mingled to send shivers down my spine. I managed to get out my phone and unlock it as I approached the door. 

It wasn't blood. That realisation sent a rush of relief. It was.. spraypaint?

A messily sprayed message was stamped across my door like a burn.

Stay away.


I was still shaking as I loaded up Skype and clicked the call button. I didn't care about calling the police any more, there was only one person in my mind. The one voice that could ease my worries and the one laugh that could make me forget any fear.

"Morning Tilly," he said cheerily as his face popped up on the screen. I didn't bother hiding my visibly shaken and scared face, I just put a hand to my cheek as a tear was starting to fall. "Oh my god, what's wrong?" 

"I'm- sc- scared," I murmured pathetically, wiping my eyes and taking a deep breath. Troye could help. Of course he could. "I came home from B-Bas' place and my door- my door-"

"Shit, did someone break in?" He shuffled closer to the screen, his brow was furrowed in concern. "Please just tell me."

"No- I want you h-here.."

"I can't, Tilly, I swear I want to.. please just tell me what's wrong."

"In red paint.. they sp-spraypainted in red paint on my door.."

"What did it say? Tilly it's okay, I'm here." His hand moved as if he wanted to reach out and dry my eyes.

"It said- it said 'stay away.'"

"Shit. What? Who would be writing that? I don't understand, everyone loves you!"

I sniffed whilst trying to get my breathing under control, realising everything was okay. Some red paint on a wall couldn't hurt me.

"I d-don't know.."

I did know. I just didn't want to face the facts.

"Maybe you should call the police? Like, it's serious, right? Surely it's vandalism? Hang on, I'll Google it.." He smiled genuinely at me before frowning in concentration as he tapped away on his keyboard.

I smiled feebly, looking around for a tissue to wipe my eyes. I was just being silly. It was probably just a teenage prank, lads trying to be funny. It didn't mean a thing. The red Fiat was simply a coincedence.

"Well.. Google isn't really helping.. Godamn it Internet I was counting on you.."

I watched as he mumbled to himself, almost beating himself up over the fact he couldn't help me out. My heartbeat slowed to normal, and I began to calm down. Grabbing a tissue, I blew my nose. He couldn't hurt me here, with Troye.

"It's okay, babe. Stop." I finally said. He ran a hand through his hair and looked up at the webcam with a guilty smile.

"Well, are you sure you're okay? Phone the police just in case."

Hmm.. I don't know about that. Phoning the police all seemed a bit much- it was just some words on a door, for God's sake. I'm sure they had more important issues to deal with.

"Nah, think I'll just phone Bas or Korey, they'll help me clean it off."

"Oh.." His face fell as I shot down his suggestion and I immediately felt really bad.

"But if anything else happens I will," I assured him.


"Hey, Troye, do you have a date for your gig in December?"

"A gig, it's not a- Well actually, I guess it is." He laughed in surprise. He was so cute. "The 22nd of December. I'm so excited."

"Is it like a Christmas thing or what?"

"I'm Jewish, Tilly."

"My Jewish prince, I know. But they might not know that. They might think you celebrate this godawful evil festival of Christian blood sacrifice." I said sarcastically.

"Hey, I don't hate Christmas! No, it's this Inter-Faith thing in the Perth town hall. They're trying to get Jews and Christians and all the other religions to get to know each other, and they have performances and stalls and stuff where you can read about other peoples religions."

I nodded, not really listening but staring at the way his face was animatedly moving and his blue eyes sparkling.

"You're coming right?" he said quickly.

"Only if you pay for my flight," I repeated with a saucy wink. Good. Back to my own self. Being a scared, tearful young man terrified me a bit.

"I can do that," he replied simply.

"I was kidding. You don't have to. Although if you're gonna be rich and famous.."

"Oh.." He looked over his shoulder and said something to his brother. "I have to go. Listen, text me if anything happens. Like, if a cat comes up and meows in a weird way, text me. Promise."

"I promise."

"OK, Tilly. See ya. Stay safe."

A/N well hellu there munchykinns. Just to clarify the song for this chapter is "carry on" by Fun. I like it. Xxx okay remember to vote comment and share with ur friends PLS i will love you forevs like a lot ok pls my wife is pregnANT

oh ya and its unedited so call me out on my mistakes whups

hmu on twitter - @sivoaktrees

Tilly's Boy - A Troyler FicWhere stories live. Discover now