We Are Family

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As we approached the Mellets' house I saw a round face at the window like a friendly ghost. I just had time to chuckle and point at Shaun's face when he disappeared and the curtain fell back in place. A few seconds later Shaun had regally opened the front door and was standing there with a grin all over his face.

"Tyler! It's so great to see you again!" Troye's dad gushed, causing Troye to cringe with embarrassment. I loved it though; Shaun seemed so sweet in a fatherly sort of way. I shook his large hand and watched as he shouted over his shoulder excitedly.

"LAURELLE! TYLER'S HERE!" I peered past Shaun down the hallway where a black-haired woman was half-running to the door. Laurelle beamed at me.

"Hi, Tyler," she said patting her husband's shoulder. "Shaun you need to calm down, one of these days you will give Tyler a heart attack." She smirked at me before the other two Mellet boys slipped past her and into the house, leaving Troye and I on the doorstep.

"Oh, don't worry, Queen Laurelle, I'm used to it," I assured her. I had taken to calling her Queen Laurelle after our fans had- it was a cute nickname. Maybe one day Queen Laurelle and Queen Jackie would meet in person.

"Anyway, come in, come in," she ushered. It reminded me of Molly from the Harry Potter books - well, the one from the series that I had actually read before getting bored and watching the films.

Troye nudged me encouragingly as we filed into the house, closing the big door behind us.

"We've sorted the guest room all ready for you," Shaun said. He seemed to have got over his initial schoolboy excitement.

"Sorry it was such short notice," I said sympathetically.  "You guys are angels for letting me stay."

"Troye did tell you about the condition I set?" Laurelle said, glancing with raised eyebrows at her son.

"Yep, I've brought my Halloween costume with me of course."

"Brilliant. Well, by now, you won't need a house tour. Dinner will be at 6. I'm sure you're very jet lagged so you can go up and have a nap!"

"Thanks, Laurelle," I yawned. I had no intention of taking her up on her offer though. I wasn't going to waste precious time sleeping when I could be spending it with Troye.

The Mellets really were angels, I thought, as I came into the spare room. Pictures of Australia hung on the light blue walls and I laughed out loud at the koala-shaped lamp on the bedside table. No doubt this was Tyde's doing, I had never met a more patriotic teenager.

"Do you like it?" said a low voice from behind me and I turned to see Troye at the doorway. I nodded speechlessly, threw my bag on the white double bed and walked over to him, hugging him for what felt like the first time in ages. His clothes were a soft cotton and they rubbed against me as I stood on tiptoes to hug him, linking my arms around his neck and resting a head on his shoulder. He was so warm and although his limbs were skinny they felt solid and safe.

"Are you going to nap?" he said into my pastel-blue hair.

"I don't think so," I mused.

"Why not?"

"Why nap when I could be spending time with you?" I said reasonably and he laughed. I felt the laugh reverberate through his body.

"I've never been so flattered. Tyler Oakley, passing up sleep, for me. Next thing I know you'll choose me over ranch dressing."

"Um, you wish!" I said and backed out of his embrace to smack him lightly on the arm.

"You can't blame a man for hoping," he said mildly before intertwining his fingers with mine. I looked down in surprise at our locked hands, and then back up, searching his face.

"Troye?" I questioned, but before he could say anything the front door slammed and a girly voice squealed, "Is Tyler here yet?!"

We sprang apart, my fingers curling at the absence of his warm hand, and I ran out of the room and down the hallway.

"Sagey!" I screeched.

"Ty Ty," she caught me in a tight hug and I caught a whiff of her sickly sweet shampoo as blonde locks of hair fell in my face. It was a metaphor for Sage, really, because she was the sweetest girl you could imagine; she always looked and smelt enticingly good, and I don't think she had a mean bone in her body.

"Thank God you're here," Sage said and her voice was muffled.

"I don't think I could stand Troye moping about any longer," she pulled out of the hug and giggled. Both of us glanced back at Troye. He looked annoyed but there was a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. My hand tingled with the memory of his touch.

"Don't worry, boo, I'm here," I cooed in his direction and Sage shrugged off her denim jacket, hanging it up and twirling round to grab my wrist.

"I just came back from town, let me show you what I bought," she squealed, her voice grating on my eardrums and piercing my jet-lagged brain.

"Give the man a break," Troye called amusedly, "He just came back from a fourteen-hour flight."

Sage harrumphed. She had obviously been very excited to show off her pink and gold bangles I could see peeping out of the shopping bag on the table.

"I thought gay guys were supposed to be all over this stuff," she muttered and I burst out laughing.

"I'll look at them later, Sagey. I need to take a nap."

"Beauty sleep?" Troye interrupted, giggling.

"Do I look like I need beauty sleep?" I said sarcastically, whipping back my quiff trying to imitate a model. Instead I ended up looking like a dog trying to shake off water, but the thought was there.


A couple hours of peaceful napping later - at the fourtieth giant yawn, Troye had made me go to sleep, even tucking me in with a fluffy blanket - there came a call of "Dinner!" and I woke groggily. 

"Bah, humbug," I mumbled to myself and tried desperately to tame my quiff and rub sleep out of my bleary eyes before getting up. 

"Where's Tyler?" someone said and I tried to call out 'coming' but my throat was too dry to work. Instead my voice came out as a pathetic croak.

"I'll get him," Troye offered and I heard him climb the stairs. Quickly smoothing down my clothing and making my crumpled blankets into a triangle shape, I saw his shape come to the door. He was strangely out of focus.

Oh yeah.

As I put on my glasses the world became clear and beautiful. I could see every last detail and every change of skin tone or blemish in Troye's perfect face. I watched his sharp jaw move as he spoke, accidentally forgetting to listen. 

"Earth to Tyler?"

"Sorry," I blurted out.

"Dinner's ready."

"Have you come to escort me to my meal?" I said in my best British accent. He straightened his back and flung out an arm like a waiter.

"Seriously though, do I look okay?" I asked self-consciously, playing with the hem of my sweatshirt.


"Okay," I grinned and linked my arm in his.

A/N Long chapter alert! I was going to include Halloween in this chapter but turned out to be 3long5me, so I split it into two. thanks ofc to jackie (aussietroylerfangirl) for slaying, remember to do all the nice things you do like voting n stuff.  Love you munchkinsss xox

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