Simply the Best

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I was in a state near sleep, my dreams full of ruffled brown hair and airports, and suddenly a voice was intruding in my mind. 


My eyes opened groggily and I smiled dreamily. What a vision of beauty. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and sat up, eyes adjusting to the dark.

"Tilly?" Troye's voice was small, almost a whisper.

"What is it, Troye?"

"I can't sleep.."


"I can't sleep. It's just- I mean, I guess I'm homesick. And the blow up bed isn't helping." He laughed nervously.

I felt sick to my stomach. How could I be so selfish? Going to sleep in my comfortable double bed and leaving Troye to struggle with a blow up bed, in an environment he didn't know.

"Come in here with me," I said, scooting up to make room. "I'm warm."

"Are you sure, Tilly?"

"Of course. Troye, c'mon. You're shivering."

He was, shaking like a leaf. He didn't look well. What was wrong with him?

He climbed into the bed next to me, curling up in a ball like a little puppy, his knees against my side, sharing warmth. I gently pulled the covers over us both, and propped myself up on my elbows to look at him. He was so beautiful, even with a flushed face and tired eyes. I knew in that moment that I was already in too deep, that once you've fallen in love there is no climbing out.

"Troye," I whispered, but he was already asleep. I don't know what I was going to say to him anyway. I leant down and kissed his hair, my lips brushing his head like a butterfly. He didn't stir. I put my arms around him and went to sleep.

He wasn't there in the morning. I stretched out my hands blindly only to find empty space. I forced my eyes open. Where was he? What if he felt my kiss and was scared off-

"Morning, Tilly," I heard his voice come from the doorway and looked round. Wow. That man scrubbed up nicely. His quiff was quirky and cute and he was wearing skinny jeans and a white and blue TRXYE jumper. I had my own, folded up with great care and placed in pride of place in my chest of drawers. I hadn't worn it yet. I was waiting for him to see me in it.

"Oh- there you are- I thought.."

"Thought I'd done a runner while I still could?" he said with sparkling eyes. His blue eyes.

"Something like that," I frowned slightly. "What's that smell?"

"I'm making eggs and bacon."

"Troye! You're my guest. I should be making you breakfast."

"It's not for you!"

"Troye!" I repeated, laughing.

"But you can have some. I should become a chef." He kissed his fingers expressively and wandered back into the kitchen. I could really smell the sizzling bacon now. My tummy rumbled and I sat up.

I knew exactly what to wear today. 

As soon as I walked into the kitchen, Troye's face lit up. His smile widened, his brow creased. He looked touch.

"Tilly, you're wearing it!"

"It's so snuggly, Troye boy," I said, hugging myself. 

"I know right? Only 33 people in the world get to feel this warm oversized snuggliness."

I blushed at being one of the 33 people he bestowed this gift upon.

Of course I was, I'm his best friend.

Obviously, Tyler. Stop reading so much into it.

We munched on eggs and bacon happily side by side, none of us talking until Troye leaned back.

"Tyler Oakley, it's official. I'm quitting music and becoming a breakfast chef," he said in his perfect accent. I decided I liked being called my full name, but only by twinks with blue eyes and a brown quiff-

I need to stop thinking that way. I can't do this to Troye. He clearly isn't interested in a relationship right now. He's so mature for his age- an EP out at 19- and all he wants to be is friends. I gotta respect that right now.

It's just so hard when all I want to do is cup his face in my hands and kiss him.

"K-Korey and Connor are coming over later," I stutter, and mentally kick myself. Tyler Oakley doesn't stutter. Tyler Oakley is flirty, and confident, and sassy.

It's just, maybe Tilly Oakley is the sort of person to be head over heels in love.

Troye didn't seem to notice. He grinned at me. "Yaaaay! Of course you've arranged this all. I'm so lucky to have you," he joked.

"Aw, babe!" I said, not wanting to show what those words really meant to me.

"Talking of arranging things, I have a surprise for you."

"What is it, Sivan?"

"Tom Daley's sex tape.."

"Shut up. What is it really?"

He motioned for me to come with him and in my room he quickly opened his laptop, clicking on his DMs. I could see the conversation was between him and Zoe.

Zoe Sugg was a Youtuber, beauty guru, and just all-around angel. I loved Zoe. She was always good for long talks, jokes, pizza, and was the sweetest person alive. Except maybe Troye.

I read them, taking in the words but not really the meaning.

@troyesivan: Tyler is going to freak. When's your flight?

@ZozeeBo: We arrive at 2pm LA time. Can you pick us up?

@troyesivan: Of course, boo. I can't wait to see you and Alfie again. 

@ZozeeBo: We're leaving now. Love you, troye troye!

"Troye Sivan Mellet," I said slowly. "You're not telling me the one and only Zoe Sugg is coming here?"

"Yes I am," Troye said proudly. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Oh my god!" I flew at him and hugged him tightly, excited. "And Alfie fricking Deyes! Troye! Oh my god!"

I started whirling around the kitchen, singing "Simply the Best" in my best Tina Turner voice.

"Are you sufficiently surprised?" Troye said. He was so pleased. He was like an eager puppy.


It wasn't just seeing Zoe again that I was excited about. She was the only person I could ever talk to about Troye and how I felt. She would understand. She would probably try to set us up, to be honest.

Plus, Zalfie gave me hope that Troye and I might one day be-

No! I can't think that way any more. The only way Zoe was going to help was to help me get over him. 

Although, I know there's no chance of me getting over that boy any time soon.

A/N Yo yo yo! If you enjoyed this chapter, please comment/vote/all that. I think a few people are reading this, so I might as well continue! Things are going to get a little more interesting soon! Peace out, munchkins! xox 

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