Another Love

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Bas' POV

I stared at the young man with the same amount of shock that I had a few weeks ago, when he had appeared wild-eyed at my door. His brown hair was gorgeously messy. In that moment, with his gaze so intent and confused and even a little scared, I realised I had never stopped loving him, and Jason was but a shadow in my mind.

"Uh... What's going on?" said Steele behind him. I knew the Mellet family; I had met them when we were still dating. But that didn't explain why I was here. I opened my mouth and tried to bring my thoughts in order. Why was I here?

"Bas decided to come with me," Tyler said for me, in his iconic accent. I looked at them hopefully.

"Don't worry, I'm staying with friends in Perth," I said into the uncomfortable silence. All of me was screaming that perhaps this wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Well, ah, welcome to Australia!" beamed Tyde, the only cheerful one in the group. Troye had lowered the Tilly sign and was chewing on his lip, appearing to be having an eyes-only conversation with Tyler. I had only seen couples do those. I felt a fierce rush of jealousy rise in my gut, directed straight at Tyler for capturing this man's heart, but then I realised I was supposed to be taken. I thought of my boyfriend, not that the word really applied to him anymore. Jason's looks and personality paled in comparison with Troye's.

We started walking through the starkly decorated airport, weaving our way through the crowds. I was starting to wish I hadn't brought my banana-yellow suitcase, as every look directed my way felt like a whisper of "You're not supposed to be here." And indeed it felt that way as I watched Steele and Tyde chat and Troye and Tyler talk in hushed voices. There seemed to be tension between them. Why did that make me so hopeful?

As we finally got out of the airport and came into big sweeping car parks, bus stops, and taxi spots, it became even more awkward. They were all going to get in a car and drive to Troye's obviously. That left me. On my own.

Seeing Troye's car brought back a whole archive of memories that I couldn't forget.


I sat down gingerly on the passenger seat of his car. It smelt like him- peppermint and coffee. He was next to me, his hand resting on the gearshift, and I tentatively put one of my hands over his. He froze.

"I'm so sorry," he said quietly, and as he turned his head I could see the tear tracks that snaked down his cheeks.

"I know," I whispered.

"I can't help loving him."

"I know."

"But I don't want to lose you."

"Troye Sivan Mellet." I said softly, and stroked my thumb over his. He looked at me with those blue eyes. They were dull and empty, as if his love for this guy had sucked the life out of him. All his tears had been used up.

"Troye Sivan Mellet," I repeated, "I am hopelessly in love with you. I am so in love with you that I would turn the sky upside down and move mountains with my bare hands to be with you." He took a shaky breath. "And I know you don't feel the same way, and I promise that I will wait for you. Troye Sivan I swear I will wait as long as it takes." I swallowed and leant forward to press a tiny kiss into the corner of his mouth, and then I got up and turned around and left him there.

End of flashback

That was a long time ago now, and I was proud of myself. I was getting over him, had myself a boyfriend; I’d stopped crying over what might have been. At least until he came on that fateful night and punched Jason and everything changed.

"I guess we'll see you soon, Bas," Tyler smiled pityingly at me, but he was too wrapped up in Troye to really care. I didn't blame him. I could see the infatuation in his eyes. In that way, we had something in common.

I waved once and walked off to hail a cab, dragging the canary case behind me.

Tyler's POV

Next to me I felt Bas stiffen, and I could see the smiles on the Mellets' faces fading. They knew him. Oh. Of course they did. 

"Uh...What's going on?" Steele said after a while and I looked at Bas. The spiky-haired boy was staring at Troye with such regret and longing that I knew he wasn't able to reply. I stepped in for him, making my voice cheery and bouncy, cursing myself for forgetting to warn Troye I was bringing his ex. Oops. Sounds like I'm a selfish brat. It was for a good cause, though I didn't like the idea of leaving Bas alone with Jason. It was ridiculous because I knew I couldn't stop Jason doing whatever he wanted, but I still felt a little bit of relief that Bas was here and not back in LA. Troye would understand.

"Bas decided to come with me," I said. Bas nodded slightly, snapping out of his trance.

"Don't worry, I'm staying with friends in Perth," he chipped in with a charming smile that was lost on the Mellet family. We stood in awkward silence and then Tyde finally came to his senses.

"Well, ah, welcome to Australia!" the younger boy grinned.

I looked at Troye, trying to gauge his feelings from his expression. Our eyes met and I could see his annoyance and confusion reflected in those stormy blue irises. We started walking to Troye's car, with Tyde and Steele in front of us and Bas trailing along behind. For a while all I could hear was the rumbling of suitcase wheels along the floor before Troye spoke quietly, just to me.

"I'm not mad at you by the way."

"I'm sorry, I should have told you. You see-" I looked behind quickly, seeing how Bas had shoved one hand into the pocket of his skinny jeans and was looking at the floor. "He had to get away from Jason. I'll explain it to you later, I promise."

"Okay. It was just a bit of a shock seeing him. I made a fool out of myself last time we met." He held up the wrist that he had broken and shook his head.

"I know right." Memories of that night flooded back. Some were bad, like the state Troye had been in when I found him, or when he flinched away from my touch. But then there was the good. I couldn't help that remembering the spark and the soft, fuzzy feeling in my stomach as our lips met for the first time on purpose.

"It doesn't matter. We're together, that's all that matters. Halloween tomorrow."

"Time to get spoopy," Troye said, his accent making every word sound adorable.

Another awkward exchange later, and we were watching Bas and his bright yellow suitcase walk off to wait for a cab. We made ‘what can you do?’ faces at each other and got into Troye's car. We all pitied Bas, I think, because he clearly didn't fit in, but he was such a sweet guy I couldn't bring myself to dislike him for it. We didn't dwell much on Bas though, and the atmosphere inside the car was excited and glad to be reunited. 

I sat in the passenger seat as Troye drove, trying to ignore Steele and Tyde bickering behind us. He had to keep his eyes on the road, which gave me the perfect opportunity to take in his appearance. My eyes roved over his face, taking in smooth, milky skin. The way it curved perfectly over the hollows of his cheeks and the attractively sharp lines of his jaw. The way his lashes fluttered slightly against his soft-rose-pink cheeks when he blinked. The brightness of his eyes as they reflected-

"Quit staring at me, Tilly," he said, giggling as he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I wasn't," I quickly moved my eyes to the road ahead, blushing bright red at having been caught. He didn’t push it though, changing the subject instead.

"We have a lot to talk about," he said, causing me to raise my eyebrows in response.

"Oh? Like what?"

"I don't know. I feel like we have a lot to catch up on, even though it's only been a few days."

"An eventful few days," I sighed, and he nodded in agreement.

A/N look at me switchin tf up. what did you guys think about bas's pov? Vote comment and all that jazz. I love you more than I love myself. also thanks to aussietroylerfangirl for editing this she's da bomb Ps this chapter is dedicated to TroylerSivann for being a queen xox

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