Fly Me to the Moon

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Fly me to the Moon

I found myself once again sitting in the departure lounge of an airport, but this time it wasn't a brown-haired ocean-eyed boy beside me. It was Bas.

How did I manage to get myself into this?


"It's just... every time I want to go talk to him, he's always busy. He stays out all night sometimes, and whenever he gets a phone call he goes into a different room. He changed his phone passcode - I used to know it. He keeps getting these texts and goes off into a corner to read them. And he's been acting like he hates me," Bas stared at his fingers as he talked, pausing to take a large gulp of his coffee.

"Okay. It sounds stupid, but have you just asked him? It's never good to have secrets or tension in a relationship. There might be a really good explanation for all this." I ran a thumb over my own mug, looking at Bas's gelled-up blonde hair; it was sticking out all over the place, evidence of his current stress levels.

"What do I say to him? ‘Hi Jason, have you been cheating on me recently?’ I can’t just ask him that!" he closed his eyes tightly, taking a few deep breaths to steady himself before opening them again. "Why am I always second-best?"

I remembered Troye talking about Bas - about how he had been infatuated with another guy and couldn't bring himself to let Bas go. I felt pity at the bottom of my stomach and wanted to reach out a hand and hold him so he wouldn't feel so alone. I didn't, though, instead just taking a sip of my cooling coffee.

"It's okay. It's alright. You'll sort this out, right? How long have you been together?"

"A year... a whole year, and yet he still prefers some other guy. Story of my life." he droned miserably, head falling into his hands in despair.

"You don't know that. There could be a very reasonable situation." I said, trying to bring an air of positivity to the depressing atmosphere.

"Will you ask him for me?"

I squirmed uncomfortably; he couldn’t be serious, could he? "Me?"

"Yeah. Then he won't be angry with me." He looked so sad, my heart felt like it was breaking for him. "I think he would still know, if some guy he didn't even know started asking personal stuff about his relationship. Besides, we're not on the best terms since that night he tried to hit Troye.." I said gently. "Anyway, I'm going in two days. I'm so sorry I can't help you more. I had no idea..." I trailed off, not quite sure how to continue.

"You're going in two days?" Bas looked stricken.

"Yeah, to stay with Troye for Halloween. I'm sorry. Ugh, if only you had contacted me sooner..."

"Let me come with you. Please, Tyler! I need to get away from Jason. You know earlier? He snaps whenever I'm talking on the phone. It's like he's paranoid that I'm talking to some other guy. Hypocritical, huh? And, like... I could tell him I've gone to stay with my Mom for Halloween... Please Tyler. I'll pay for my flight. I have money. I've saved up for ages but I never knew what for until now..."

"What? I mean, I don't know... Troye never said anything about bringing anyone with me... He only has one spare room..."

"I'll stay with my friends in Australia," Bas said immediately. It was like he had already planned this but I knew he hadn't. Anything and everything could go wrong with this plan.

"This is ridiculous. I leave in two days, Bas! I hardly even know you!"

"We wouldn't even be staying together! Just flying together. Please... for me. Let me come with you."

End of flashback

I shook my head. I couldn't believe I'd ended up here, with Bas swinging his legs next to me with one hand on his stylish yellow suitcase. It was so bright it stood out against all the other cases around us, and even attracted strange looks. Smiling slightly, I looked up at his face. It was so hopeful, so expectant. He was crazy. But I began to find myself liking him.

The same Southern woman I had heard when I dropped Troye off announced that our flight was now boarding, and we waited until the rush of people had already gone before following along behind. He cheerfully jumped up the plane steps two at a time and he was so tall he had to bend down slightly to get through the rounded door. I didn't, being the short little munchkin that I am. When we had found our seats, he even picked up my backpack and swung it up above us for me and I smiled at him.

"Have you texted Jason that you're going to your Mom's?" I asked, watching his face fall as I mentioned his boyfriend. He quickly sat down and tapped out a quick message on his crappy little flip phone. I looked at it. I'd be amazed if it could even access the Internet. I wondered how he had managed to date Troye, someone who probably couldn't last a day without his beloved machines and websites.

"There we go," he said, pulling out the little safety booklet and fidgeting like a little kid.

"You realise this is a fourteen hour flight," I said slowly. "I hope you've brought something with you."

Bas grinned at me and held up a book. I saw that it was Ellen DeGeneres' autobiography, which I had mentioned in one of my videos, and wondered absently if he watched them.

After we had taken off, with Bas gripping the sides of his seat like a toddler that's never flown before, I giggled at him and turned on the mini television screen deciding to just watch whatever was on. To my right I could see Bas looking out of the window as we skimmed across the clouds. After a few episodes he fell asleep, every so often making cute little snoring sounds. Every time he did that I struggled to hold in my laughter; which mainly resulted in him waking up and giving me a confused look.


Fourteen hours and a very long nap later, we were bumping up and down on the Australian winds as we tried to land. Beside me Bas was freaking out at the turbulence, his eyes wide and terrified, and I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. I’d been on flights a lot worse than this. So had everyone around me, apparently, as they all seemed very calm apart from Bas. The man in a bowler hat behind us was humming Fly me to the Moon even as his hat was bounced off his head. However a few minutes later I was bouncing on my seat not with turbulence but with excitement. I couldn't wait to see my twink. It was pathetic that it had only been a few days since I had last saw him but already missed him so much. 

There he was. He was holding a sign. How adorable. I squinted to see it, having taken my glasses off, and realised that it was blue lettering on a purple background.

Or, as i liked to call it, ‘blurple'.

It said "Tilly" of course, and he had drawn a little picture of me with vibrant violet hair and huge glasses. 

Coming closer, I saw he had Tyde and Steele with him, and they were both waving enthusiastically. However all their smiles faltered when Bas stepped out from behind me and waved uncertainly.


Troye's beautiful clear skin had paled slightly, and his dark lips were quirked in a little 'o' shape.

I probably should have told them I was bringing his ex-boyfriend.


A/N hi nuggets here's an update I hope you enjoyed it. perhaps a chapter from Bas' POV next? let me know what you guys think about that. i lav u all. like, more than life. xxx oh yeah dont forget to vote , comment, and tell your friends family and pets. i actually listened to frank sinatra as i wrote this fun fact ok bye

PS what do you think of the new cover i made? does it look weird

PPS thanks to the amazing wonderful Jackie for editing this, I dedicated this to her so you can all go check out her work. xxx

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