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As soon as we got back to Troye's, Bas broke down. His back curved in the driver's seat, as he bent over hugging himself and resting his forehead on the wheel. I saw his body shaking as he cried and tried to block out the pained breaths he took between sobs. I placed a hand on his upper back, whispering soothing things before realising it wasn't working. Panicking, I went round to his side and gently coaxed him out. I didn't care that Troye might not want him there- he was clearly in no state to go home.

He tried to calm down; wiping his cheeks, shaking his head and mumbling something about being ridiculous but I wasn't having any of it. We let ourselves in. The door was unlocked so someone must be home.

"Troye!" I called tentatively up the stairs. There was no reply, but I heard the floorboards creaking upstairs and knew he must be coming. Leading the snivelling Bas into the kitchen, I flicked down the kettle to make a warm cup of cocoa when I heard Troye come into the kitchen.  Gratefully, I turned to plead for help with my eyes. He was a welcome sight, even though his hair was messy and unstyled and he had dark rings under his eyes. His expression immediately changed when he saw Bas, first to one of stormy annoyance and then to surprise.

"What's happened?" he asked, concerned, pulling out a chair and ushering Bas into it. I loved his caring side. It rarely showed, but when it did it shone brightly, and he forgot about any past grudges held.

"Bas and Jason broke up," I muttered in a quiet voice. Bas shook with renewed sobs. I knew they had been together for a long time, but still couldn't really understand- he just got out of a relationship with a controlling dick. I would be relieved. I knew I was being insensitive and chastised myself before pouring three steaming mugs of hot chocolate and moving to sit down with the other two. Troye was softly holding Bas' elbow as he comforted him and I watched. A tiny nugget of jealousy burned in my gut but I pushed it down, swallowing hard. Feelings for Troye were not what I needed right now.

"And he s-said he could t-t-trace the call. And I j-just broke up with him j-just like th-that.."

"Shh, it's okay. You're better off without him. I promise. Here, have some cocoa." Troye produced a packet of tissues and pushed the mug towards the blond man.

"Yeah, now you can actually speak to other guys!" I interjected. Troye looked at me like I was being extremely stupid, which I thought was unfair. I was only trying to help. Bas ignored me anyway.

"He used to m-make me cocoa l-like th-this whenever I came b-back from work late at n-n-night..." Bas stared at the swirling chocolate in his mug as a fat tear slipped down his cheek.

"You'll find someone else like that. Who wouldn't want you?" Troye pointed out, dredging up a reluctant smile from Bas.

"I- I guess," he mumbled uncertainly. I nodded, taking Troye's lead.

"Of course you will. Have you seen the way guys look at you?" I chip in, taking a sip of my cocoa. Troye frowned at me. I wondered what he was thinking.

"Thanks guys. I'm just b-being silly." He blew his nose and smiled tearily at both of us. "What would I do without you guys?"

"I have no idea," I said smiling, my eyes scanning Troye's face.

"Yeah, I guess. Well." He put his empty mug down and dabbed at his eyes. "Thank you, again. I'd better get back. I told my friend I'd have his car back by now."

"Oh- okay," Troye faltered. I watched him and time seemed to slow down as he ran a hand through the messy brown hair and nodded with a smile. The scraping of a chair brought me back to real life and I jolted, standing up hastily. I pulled Bas into a tight hug, hoping he would be okay.

"Just call me if you need anything," I murmured into his ear before letting go. He hugged Troye too, and we followed him to the door to wave him off. Darkness was falling like a black drape over the house. The yellow light from Bas' headlights as he started up the car was bathing Troye's face. His eyes flickered.

"You and Bas," he suddenly blurted, "there's nothing between you?"

The beams of light swept across the wall of the house as Bas turned out of the drive and down the road. I stared in silence as he drove off.

"No. No, you know I'd never- You know there's not." I bit my lip as I looked at him. Stars were reflected in his eyes.

"I don't feel like I know you at all any more."

"How could you say that? We're best friends. Right?" I shivered as the November chill hit me.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course we are. You've just changed."

"In a good way or a bad way?"

"A good way, I think. At the party-what you said-"


"Was it true?"

"Every word."

He swallowed audibly and stepped back, motioning for me to come back in the house and closed the front door. It was dark in the hallway.

"I'm sorry about in L.A," he said slowly.

"About what?"

"Everything. Shouting at you. Running off. Breaking my wrist."

I put my hand over his, my touch feather light.

"I forgave you ages ago. It was my fault, anyway. Coming on to you like that. You don't feel for me like - like that."

"No!" he said angrily. "It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself."

Part of me was disappointed that he hadn't denied what I said. He didn't feel for me that way. I knew it, of course, but speaking the words into the darkness and hearing him basically agree with them was still a blow.

"I wasn't sure how I felt. I had to wait.. find out. I thought I was still getting over Bas.. but I've realised. I'm already over him."

My heart was beating fast.

"And I'm sure he's already told you. But you might want to hear it from me. You wouldn't believe it from him, I think. You don't know how people feel about you."

"What are you talking about?" I half-whispered. I could feel every pump of blood through my veins.

"When I was with Bas, I was always pining after another guy that I could never have. But now- there's a chance I could."

I didn't dare to hope.

"It was you, Tyler. It was always you."

I couldn't say anything. I tried to speak but my throat was too dry. He looked nervous. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair and give him a hug and tell him it was okay... I couldn't think of any words to say, so I gently interlinked our fingers. His mouth twitched into a tiny smile and he pulled me closer. We were only inches apart and I could see every detail that I had noticed before but never appreciated, like the beautiful birthmark on his cheek and every colour in his irises. I especially noticed his mouth, the way he was anxiously biting on those dark lips. We were so close. I could smell his intoxicating scent. He lifted his other hand to the back of my neck and his eyelids fluttered shut. I leaned forward to close the gap between us-

"We're home!" called a motherly female voice and the door opened loudly, a burble of voices coming from outside as the front door stubbed me in the toe. I hopped back, groaning both with pain and anger and holding my toe.

"Did we interrupt something?" Sage smirked.

I glared at her.

A/N Hello again nuggs- I updated again!! woo!! These updates are so iregular but pinkpurplepineapples made me update blame her if its bad bc it didnt get edited v well hah❤ ok anyway. hope u enjoyed it, vote, comment n share please!!

twitter : @sivoaktrees
tumblr: unicornoftheinternet

Ciaooo x

Tilly's Boy - A Troyler FicWhere stories live. Discover now